Gotta quit cigarettes SoS please advise help..etc

I’d like to see this once it’s finished… Please keep us posted.


I’ll photo it.
I ordered parts from 6 places so it’s a "chip build up.
Teaser: its a dual 18650 mod that’s shorter & narrower than the IPV4.It’s a DMA200 pocket mod.

So I’m trying different things to quit.

Well I totally agree with the trigger of smoking/addiction.

Obviously it’s a fact & what leaded me to starting vaping agIan because I smoke much out of boredom & more so comfort, I’m in pain NON-STOP with this Brain herniation, so under great stress from physical pain causes me to wanna smoke the most , well Im kinda stuck there a bit but have started puffing on this mod non-stop during those times now.
So thanks for all the comments & suggestions

I can’t Vape in the morning without coughing so I’ve took a cigarette hit it a couple times them hit the Vape.
And carry on trying to distract myself from this constant head pressure.

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Hi, I quit ciggs over 2 years ago and starting vaping at 24mg. You need to find a non tobacco flavor and use 24mg strength. Make it something that is like your favorite tastes but something smooth not harsh! They are out there! Vaping is much better if you need an operation because it reduces the carbon in your blood and lungs which allows oxygen to absorb in your lungs better. It is imperative that you find something that you can vape all day, if one doesn’t work, get two tanks and switch flavors when ya get tired of one! Most of all, ya have to rewire your brain so when you get the urge to smoke, ya grab your vape instead! No half measures! No ciggs period! I smoked for 43 years and thought I’d go to my grave smoking but you are the most important part of the equation, VAPE ONLY! Make yourself do it! It’s hard,but if I can do it, anyone can! Good luck and I hope this helps!

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Thanks for the input, I’m keeping at it & the slow but sure route is working surely…


For me that was coffee. Always went together with a rollup. Since I vape I hardly drink any coffee anymore, just a cup in the morning to wake up. Sometimes I have another out of sheer habit, but it doesn’t taste very well.


I was the same way!! And mmmm it was good! Like chocolate and peanut butter…oh…sorry, I’m not helping :wink:

I think I was one of the very few, if not only, that could NOT smoke when I used to drink. It made me super sick and gag. Where as almost everyone I knew would chain smoke when they drank…yuck


Your statement rings truest to me the effect of chocolate.
Smoking had a chocolate type nastiness to it that is missed for after a meal it’s odd to think your using something that taste bad after a meal
But it’s that nature of the habit is basically the same.


WATER. Water, water, water. I had the same problems when I started vaping. I was dehydrating myself. Are you drinking enough water?

Naggy post, I know. Sorry. :blush:


I used to drink 2 cups every morning with nearly a half a pack of cigarettes. Like you, I drink very little coffee now. Guess it comes with the territory…


Thankfully that never applied to having sex…cause I would still be a smoker!!


For some reason I sleep way to much since switching to vaping .
Kinda weird to me & I know everyone is different where sleeps concerned but I feel worse to more sleep I get.
Anyone else experience this?

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I actually have found I stay awake more haha

Now you feeling worse after sleep could very well be because of your body purging the toxins. When you are in a deep sleep your body releases natural antioxidants to “clean the system” so to speak. So in the case of cigs or even drugs when you wake that purge has either began or finished (depending on your levels) and your body is in a slight state of withdrawals causing you to feel shitty

I’m not saying this pertains to your specific case…but?


Could be depression I’m not acknowledging aswell.

But I swear I don’t rember being this dang sleepy since being a kid & I hated knap time then & not a big sleeper now.
But something is making me groggy, nicotine being a stimulating chemical I’m hitting the vaporizer like I’m competing to drain 18650’s I record timing.

Hell yes it could be! I’ve battled this myself to be honest and yes being sleepy, lethargic and all around feeling shitty is DEFINITELY attributed to depression bro! I don’t know you obviously but it may be something a little more deeper than just cigarettes and vaping/nicotine.
And if this is the case there is no amount of vaping, attempting to cease cigs and everything else that’s going to help…you have to find the root bro. I know you want to quit, that’s evident in your crys for help but whatever this is that’s eating you physically and mentally will just push you right back into your cycle. I’m no doctor and I wouldn’t dare suggest anything of the sort but it’s something to consider and maybe talking to someone about? With all due respect man this sounds bigger than you and you may need to have someone help you figure it out?
The only thing I would say and this is my opinion only is try to stay away from any pills as far as a treatment unless it is absolutely 100% needed…I just believe they are a bandaid(plaster for my UK friends) or temporary fix that can actually make matters worse…
I’m sorry I don’t want to come off like I’m prying or being extreme at all but judging by some of the things you have said I don’t think this is a battle that can be won by trying to just switch to vaping although you should definitely vape instead of smoke but find that root core issue man…that shit eats at your soul


Sleeping more is definitely gonna happen as your nicotine dependence drop. Us heavy smokers would literally wake up cause we needed our nicotine fix. I slept 4-5 hours and wake up needing a cigarette. I rarely went back to sleep cause I would wake up wide awake. Now that I vape and my nicotine level is down to 2mg I do sleep more most nights. No more waking up dying for a cigarette…

PS as far as not feeling well, yes, could be depression…

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This is another cig issue like the drinking and having to have a smoke where I fall in the minority. All my friends would wake up and immediately have to spark a cigarette but in my decades of smoking, the thought of a cigarette turned my stomach. At a minimum I would have my first cig of the day 3 hours after waking…I never understood this myself seeing that your nic levels were at their lowest upon waking, I just always found it odd…then again I am kinda odd as well…


Yeah I wake & smoked every night & morning.
Kinda a routine, but I could wake up smoke a cigarette & fall back asleep.
If I am lowering my nicotine levels that much I wanna up the mg.
Because nicotine want the issue it was non-stop smoking.

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Oh it’s to late I take meds for it…lol
Anyhow off of that & back to I need to start vaping coffee with nicotine.

we do dehydrate very easily vaping really dehydrated me @first so drink plenty of water!!!

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I’m trying bit as much vaping as I’ll do trying to back off a hell of a cigarette habit.
Makes me consume liquids none stop.
Vaping does dry ya out.

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