Just created a thread in Discounts and Deals for first time., and almost straightway had it merged with the thread “Good Deals 2018”
Now, I never actually read that thread myself, cos the chances that ther;'s something that interests me -and that isn’t past it’s use-by already - are slim. When I check out the Discounts and Deals section myself, i look down the topic list to see if there’s any product that I was planning on ordering anyway , and if not, move on, I don’t know, but I suspect that a lot of others do the same.
Now the deal that I was posting was only viable for 5 days, so I wanted it to be very salient to the people who buy the product (MF) so they’d, hopefully , notice before it’s too late, which seemed to me a good reason to create a new thread with the product clearly stated in the title. There was already an old MF thread there, whch I thought to add to, but it said 15% off in the title whereas this deal was for 17% .
I also thought to post in one of the several Medicine Flower threads elsewhere in the forum but then it struck me that the Discount Section is there for a good reason: it saves cluttering up other threads with info that’s only valid for a brief period. In the Discount section, that info will naturally drift towards the bottom of the page, once it’s past it’s sell-by. So it saves people reading through redundant info.
Now this isn’t a particul;ar problem really, because it transpired that somebody else has already posted the same deal in one of the MF threads But it serves as an example . ( I don’t think the prior posting could have the reason for the merge, because I’m subscribed to the thread in question, and I didn’t get a notification of the new post there until afterwards, so I don’t suppose anybody else did, either)
I’ll probably want to post in that section again, sometime, so I’d like to know what was wrong with my reasoning there? and I’d also liketo see some clear guidelines posted in that sub-forum. There is no sticky explaining how to use that sub- forum
It’s obvious to me that you don’t have to post absolutely everything in “Good Deals 2018” or else why have a whole sub-forum? and why are other threads allowed to stand in that sub- forum?
I thought I had this pretty much figured out, but , following that merge, it’s now clear as mud to me .