Hardware - Quick Reviews thread

I have been using the Mutant RDA for a few months now and If you like vertical build decks this is a fantastic RDA imo. Easy to build and lots of different airflow options. The more I use it, the more I love it. Such amazing flavor from it. This s a keeper! I really wanted a black or gun metal but the SS was all I could find at the time. I think I will go hunting. :slight_smile:


I got mine for £5 solely for the drip tips. I do use it from to time to time, though I’ve always found the VV Pulse 24 to give better flavour: It’s an oldies but a goodie.


Hellvape Fat Rabbit RTA

Been vaping a pair of these for maybe a month already and it keeps impressing me. With dual 3mm it is very tasty, might be verging on one of my favorite RTA’s but haven’t compared directly. With a 5mm single coil it is downright delicious as well, I might like it even better but am not complaining with either configuration. You need to use a big coil for single due to the big wicking slots.

My favorite airflow settings is bottom airflow full open and 2 side flow airflow open. Tried different settings but that has given me the best flavor so far.

Highly recommended but keep in mind it is a 28mm tank. Any questions just ask away.


Any issues with leakage? I’ve been considering this one for my Hyperion.


No problems with leaking and have maybe 6 builds between the 2 I bought.

Been using the Vaperz Cloud Valkarie on my Hyperion with a single 5mm coil.

It is good but think I like the dual coil build better. Still messing with the Valkyrie but it is unique, a 30mm RTA that has a Ultem chamber reducer that makes it vape like a much smaller tank. I like it enough I ordered a second but am only 2 builds in so far.

Edit: whats nice about the Valkyrie as well is the top airflow but it hits the coils from the side and a bit under, sort of like the awesome vaperz cloud Asgard RDA


So I got the Seigfried mesh RTA in about a week ago and this thing has frustrated me since. It keeps wanting to dry hit no matter how I wick it. I tried using the instructions included…nope. Went online and looked it up, watched some videos…nope. It’s gotten better but I can only take about 7 - 10 hits before you sense that dry hit coming. Finally tried it with a regular 4mm wound coil and guess what? Works like a dream. I’ll probably go back to it again - some day. I will say that it’s solidly built and everything fits well, but for mesh performance, the Zeus X mesh is still the king IMO.


Good to know. I got one as well but haven’t had time to mess with it much, 1 build and yeah, not impressed thus far with mesh performance and wicked it twice. Thinking I might try rayon wick next and if that is a disaster will just try a 4mm normal coil and call it a day.

Thanks for the insights brother :pray:


Good luck! If you do get it to work right, please let me know.


Hopefully you’ll get it going. Mesh dry hits redefined the word brutal!


Oh, I know! I’ve gotten to where I can detect when they’re coming before you get that taste of Satan’s Kiss. It’s a shame too because I really wanted to like this thing. I just don’t get some of the You Tube reviews exclaiming how its a great RTA and are puffing away on it like nothing. I’m not new to mesh decks, but I think from now on, if it doesn’t have a center spring device under the cotton, I’m just going to stay away from it.


Yes, I would think having a center spring is essential for support. Are you getting any sag with the wick?


No, I thought about that, but the tightness of the cotton in the coil keeps it firm all the way across. I checked it a few times over the numerous attempts at rewicking and hoping I got it right. I actually found some of those tiny curved sewing scissors and trimmed the hell out of the cotton ends and it helped get me another two or three puffs, but to the same effect. Tried more cotton, less cotton, cut flush with the top and sides of the coil…nothing. Tried cotton bacon, cotton pads and that cotton rope that never fails, all to the same results. It reminds of the headaches I had with the original Doom mesh RTA. That thing was a nightmare.


I have Blotto single coil rta and Eclipse single coil rta. I have issues with both. I am getting muted flavor with Blotto. I am using frame staple clapton which is one my favorite coils for flavor. On the eclipse I am getting spitback / lot of crackling but great flavor. I tried using 2.5 mm coil and 3mm same thing.


Try using more cotton in the coils. Always works for me. Make sure the cotton is tighter inside the coil. Stops the flooding issues that is giving you the spit-back.


@rcleven is right, your wicks might be too loose if your experiencing a lot of spit back. The Eclipse coil is pretty close to your mouth as well so a different coil might work better. I don’t have it in front of me but I think I used a quad core fused clapton in the Eclipse with good results. I tend to go bigger, might have been a 3.5mm coil.


You need more cotton.


Welcome @kreso1 . What they said :heavy_plus_sign::+1:


Thank you everyone




series coil build, simple N80 24ga.

The Zion! A 22mm SRDA


I’ve just finished setting up a Hellvape Hellbeast and it was an utter pleasure to coil it: Trim, unscrew, slap in and screw in. There was no flaffing around with twisting them to make sure that they align properly with the airflow.

(I put in my usual quadcores in rather than the dual ones that came with it).

The taste, well it’s pretty damn good. It does tend to highlight creams a tad more than others but still does a good job of presenting all notes in more complex blends.