Has anyone went through this?

I will update. And yes i put one in my pocket one day at work. Wasn’t thinking about the change i had in there. And it shorted out and started burning. Lucky i noticed it and got out before it blew up

Why , did the change make that happen ? Didn’t understand that part.

Looking at that photo makes me realize how lucky I was I didn’t blow my ass off at that funeral home. I won’t tell the story again but if you remember reading it, yeah, I made it sound funny. But truthfully it ain’t a joke. Mine was a mech mod with no venting. Would be like a grenade going off.

So thanks rabbit for sharing the photo. It’s certainly a sobering reminder of the importance of safety.

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Your the first person I thought of after reading this. Fate was with you. And safety should always be our priority couldn’t agree w/ u more.

If you look at an 18650 battery, the small circle in the middle of the top of the battery is the only part of the battery that is positive. The rest is all negative. This includes the bottom the whole sleeve and the outer ring on the top of the battery.

If you get a knick in the battery wrap on the top ring it is easy for a coin or key to make contact with the positive button and the top ring of the battery and short the battery. When that happens, things go wrong. Batteries can also fail from overheating from accidental firing. Think how thin the wraps on our batteries are and how easily they can get knicked by a key or loose change in our pocket. Probably not going to carry those batteries there anymore are you?

I always carry my spares in these for safety. $3 and I never worry.


Thank you, that makes perfect sense. I use those plastic battery cases as well. I don’t believe I’ve ever thought about carrying one w/o one. But I sure won’t now.

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I don’t know Other then it shorted out with the change. I don’t carry them like that no more. I was at work and in a hurry. I just through it in my pocket not thinking.

Just wow! Hope this guy gets better. That looks really sore, fingers x he doesn’t loose anything.
Safety first.

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My goodness, I have done the exact same thing. I was lucky enough to feel the heat before it blew though. Talk about a Hot Pocket! I use the plastic cases now too or if I have to zip lock bags. Being dumb once was plenty enough for me…


I had C4-C5 fused.
Usually the disk above the area that is fused goes bad eventually.
Make sure you learn some good stretching exercises after you are healed and keep up with them.
I do mine after I take a shower - every time I take a shower.
I feel for you. Neck pain is no joke.
By the way… I love your screen name. XO

Thank you. And i know i have a lot to think about. But i also need it done.

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My thoughts and prayers for you and your friend sillyrabbit.

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I live about 50 miles outside Seattle. Gorgeous here. Trees, mountains with winter activities, parks. It’s all beautiful. And being a cancer patient, Marinol is not covered by insurance and is crazy expensive. And wears off way too fast. The real stuff is much better.

@sillyrabbit my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have spine issues as well, and I really hope this procedure resolves your pain and mobility issues.

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Sorry to hear that. My prayers to you.
I lived the first 27 years of my life in Seattle. Your right its beautiful up there.

Yup, go natural. You can grow the stuff in your back yard for free (it’s called ‘weed’ for a reason, the stuff literally grows everywhere across the globe) and keep big pharmas’ hands off your money.

Best way to start a company is to make your competition illegal. Then anyone refusing to buy your product and use natural pain killers can be thrown in prison. Cannabis has been used for over 5,000yrs to treat all types of ailments and was even the number one prescribed medication for migraines in the US up till the mid 1900’s. The laws in this country are insane. I could go on about this for days but will spare you from my ranting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The reason I am such an advocate for cannabis is that I’ve been plagued with severe back pain and sciatica since I had an accident working on a construction site when I was 17. In addition to that, I have chronic migraines (about every other day) that make sunlight extremely painful (another main reason I want to live in Seattle). Give me an overcast gray day and I’m a very happy camper :smiley:.

Weed and strong opioids have been the only thing I’ve ever had to help with pain; one of those things can kill you easily, the other has never killed anyone and it’s dirt cheep.

Me + doobie + this weather and low temp = Absolute Bliss
…maybe add a hammock for the perfect experience :sunglasses:

After an MRI, I was diagnosed with a bulging disc in my back about 7 years ago. I had a 5k deductible at the time (even before “affordable healthcare”) and was told they could operate or go to physical therapy.
I’m not letting ANYBODY work on my back like that, and opted for physical therapy.
I asked around about it, and several people told me, "they’re just gonna hurt you! "
…and strangely enough, at that moment, I discovered yoga…and I haven’t had disc issues since!
I do on occasion have a stiff back or soreness, but I now know what tricks (stretches) to do, and I rarely ache for long anymore.
This may not work for you, but sometimes it is an option…and a reoccurring theme in yoga is, “if it hurts, don’t do it”…so take it easy and do what you’re capable of.

And also, I did break my collarbone 3 years ago. I didn’t go through surgery, they said there was nothing the could do for me, and then threw a sling at me and said, “wear this, you should be fine in 6-8 weeks.”(never even fit it to me or showed me how to wear it properly.
All of this, coupled with being a 40 yo ADULT (and not a growing child) along with being a smoker…caused my healing process to last 4-5, even 6 months before I had full movement in my arm…and my collarbone did bust loose again during this period by not wearing my brace properly (duh, thanks ER) and by following their unrealistic time line.(they told me to start movement withing 3-4 weeks or I’d NEVER regain full range of motion)…and I busted the effing thing just playing guitar, moving from 12th fret to 1st fret to chord.
I couldn’t take care of myself, and even had to be bathed for the first 2-3 weeks…and my girlfriend of 3 years bailed on me after less than a week (bachelor living by myself).
And it’s not like I was a dick, I was very grateful and even found the whole experience to be quite a spiritual experience where I actually learned alot about myself as well as the world, I was grateful for EVERYTHING…even being abandoned.
If it hadn’t been for having learned yoga a few years soon, I couldn’t have done half the stuff I was doing during my recovery, and I’m pretty sure it would have taken atleast another month without that skill set.
YMMV, and I wish you much luck during your process.

PS: FUCK DOCTORS!!! Heal yourself if you’re capable, if not, find a way!

Hey man, I am super-duper happy that you healed yourself, felt empowered, and took the up side. I am seriously extremely grateful for you. However, please realize that you can do all that. . .and still get the shit-end of the stick. Some, through whatever luck, end up praying for death to hurry up. . .and that is the best they’re going to get. The skill of a surgeon, even the very sharp double-edged sword of hard-narcotics, may be the only thing keeping them “alive.” Maybe you’re answer is still right, “fuck doctors” for prolonging their suffering. But maybe someone needs that person to stay there, even in great pain, a bit longer. That person would disagree with your assessment.


Well realize I had to go to the doctor today for a simple cold, so…there is that.
…fortunately, he’s a relative and I can trust him.

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