Have you had that dream, where your mod fires in your pocket for extended length of time to the point it’s burning a hole in your leg, only to catch it and throw it in the nick of time before it explodes?
Or any dream where a mod explodes on you???
I’ve had about 3 of them, even had one last night…freaky!
Cant say that i have but i dont remember having any vaping related dreams. Now that i think about it i rarely remember my dreams.
Nah, my recurring bad vape dream is where I catch myself having a cigarette and I’m all bummed cuz I blew my no smoking streak.
Never had that dream, but I did have one once involving Amazonian women and little pickles…
This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This? This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated.
I was at work one day. I changed batteries in my mod. I just put the battery in my pocket not thinking about it. And all the sudden my leg was hot as hell. The battery shorted out with the change in my pocket. I got it out and it was red hot smoking. I threw the battery. It never blow up. But i bet it wasn’t far from it. I never ever did that again. And that wasn’t a dream though lol.
I actually have vape related dreams all the time. My fiance’ just woke me up the other day because I was laughing in my dream saying something like oh no do not use TFA cantaloupe ( I hate that flavor ) weird !
You have that dream, too…?
After reading this and your post from yesterday, I think you just want to blow yourself up.
Lmao hahahaha thats a good.
Dreams are good because when you wake up, it didn’t really happen. Last year I went to a funeral with my wife and we got there pretty early. I stood outside with some other guys and vaped on my mech mod. I suppose I was lost in conversation because when we went inside I stuck the mod in my back pocket without locking the safety ring. About 3 mins 24 seconds later I had no doubt my battery was still holding a good charge. I ran out of that funeral home like my ass was on fire. Because it practically was. I was hopping around trying to get that thing out of my hip pocket but it was too hot to touch. My ass felt like I had fell into a camp fire. Even though it was raining it wasn’t helping my situation. All I could do was run between a couple of the cars in the parking lot, drop trou and then I could get the thing out of my pocket. I had to trow those slacks away too because where the dripper got so hot it scorched the fabric.
Now stop laughing at me. That really hurt!
Lol i have to laugh because i know that shit hurts. And im not the only one trying to burn him slef up.
Sorry but the imagery is just to much LOL!
Oddly enough I have this same dream about breaking my streak.
Count your blessings my friend, a guy in England blew his leg off taking his mech mod for a walk in his trouser pocket without locking it
I can close to blowing up 3 times. I retired my mech. If I’m not using my VV/VWs, I take the batteries out. You can be too safe.
Most recent dream involved my Koopor Mini.
I think these dreams are telling me to turn off or lock my mods when in my pocket, I NEVER do so, as I usually empty all of my pockets upon sitting down, I hate junk in my pockets while sitting.
I’m often amazed at how easily the XCube2 fires in my pocket, cause I damn near get carpal tunnel syndrome when squeezing it for days at a time…I really hafta switch up my mods throughout the week for this, no matter the mod, this shit ain’t ergo yet!
That’s hilarious. I’ve only been diying since October, and I had a few dreams this last week of mixing and tasting them.
The night I built my first box mod, I had a dream of seeing blue samsung 25rs being deliberately shorted and exploding. It was one of those fast, slow motion, shaky cam kinda dreams.
I have a old SMY 260 watt mod that took 3 18650 batteries. And it was a nice mod till 2 of the three batteries shorted out. It fried the board and it was screwed. Now its just a box.