It’s a mild citrus coffee. Do you put cream in it, too? Or just as a black coffee?
Mild is almost unpossible when it comes to the majority of coffee flavorings and i cant even pronounce the second word!
Perhaps you should heck out some of the extraction threads and make your own, it isnt really all that difficult at all.
Extraction you say??? I can do that??
Eh. Don’t bother trying.
Just know that the translation means “there’s a pre-teenage cook in the kitchen”.
Oh wait. That’s a Y. Not a V. LMAO
I just read that cheesecloth is too porous, so after freaking out, i rummaged in the cupboard and found some sad, lonely, dusty coffee filters (from before my french press days) and added one in.
I see your poor little sigelei hiding in the corner, crying for a battery…
Lolol it’s got a battery now. I put it in the other night, but it’s still ugly, still too angular, and my baby beast doesn’t sit flush on the narrow and short body.
The 15 sec nuke followed by a 25 min hot bath was a bit weak, smelling it. So I’ll increase bath time
Trial Method:
loose grind just to break up the beans.
15ml coffee grounds, top off with pg, microwave 15s (in safe container) , pour into 50ml beaker, add a bit more pg, hot bath (beaker sitting in near boiling water) 25 minutes. strain into a cheesecloth tea bag with a coffee filter inside. Yielded 40ml juice. Seemed a bit weak so back into the hot bath for another 25 minutes
I wonder if using an old coffee maker would work. Id imagine pg would go through it about the same as water.
I tossed my old coffee maker already.
The concentrate… it was still too weak after a full hour and a half, so i fine ground new beans, added a bit of pg, nuked, added to the already made concentrate. Now sitting in hot bath again. This should work better. Might have to strain it twice, though.
Well I hope it works out for u. I’m interested in how it turns out. I’m a bit of a coffe fan myself
I think this will work… but how many drops/ml of the concentrate do i add to my pg/vg? I use a 25/75 blend, 50ml batches, 24mg nicotine at 25%
That’s gonna take some t&e and a lot of patience 24mg nic?
Whew that would kill me these days
. Best of luck getting it dialed in
FW Cafe Coffee is pretty mild, almost tame like a Breakfast Blend, it provides a lot of wiggle room to play around with, even if you start at a high percentage. I use this one for my mom’s 50/50 blend.
That’s one of my go-to coffees. Strangely enough, I’ve found just the opposite. It’s quite potent, and I use it between 1% and 1.5%. I share your assessment of being a breakfast blend!
Just got FA coffee espresso in today though. Given its great reviews, I’m expecting a lot from it (hopefully a more of a “been on the burner for an hour or two” type strength, without the bitterness.
I’ve been told I “don’t make coffee” though. According to at least a couple friends, I make “Jet fuel”! chuckles
Stepped up the hot bath technique and busted out my crockpot for an hour. Strained 3 times. Very dark and smells like nose-in-the-bag