I would like to purchase some flavors and I picked out about 10 recipes from a few different sites and was hoping that because some of the flavors are similar maybe I could eliminate a few that are so close that I could use 1 instead of 2, 3 or even 4. For instance after writing down all the ingredients for the recipes I liked, I came up with 10 different watermelons so if you think say, Watermelon (FA) is the almost same as Watermelon (LA) and LA is slightly better I can just buy that and write off the FA one. Now I do know some flavors can have the same name and bring different elements to a recipe but I figured why not ask the pros for opinions.
Watermelon (TPA)
Watermelon (FLV)
Watermelon (LA)
Watermelon (PUR)
Watermelon (FW)
Big watermelon (MB)
Watermelon candy (TPA)
Watermelon candy (OOO)
Sour watermelon candy(WF)
Wild melon(FLV)
Strawberry (TPA)
Strawberry (ripe) (TPA)
Sweet strawberry (CAP)
Shisha strawberry (INW)
Soft candy pink strawberry (WF)
Mango (CAP)
Mango (FLV)
Sweet mango (CAP)
Island mango (WF)
Shisha mango (VT)
Vanilla swirl (TPA)
Shisha vanilla (INW)
Vanilla bean ice cream (CAP)
Vanilla bean ice cream (FW)
Vanilla ice cream (LB)
Vanilla custard (CAP)
Vanilla custard (FLV)
Vanilla pudding(FLV)
Butter Cream (CAP)
Bavarian Cream (TPA)
Sweet Cream (CAP)
Sweet cream (TPA)
Devon cream (VT)
Cream (FLV)
Cake batter(CAP)
Meringue (FA)
Marizipan (FA)
Marshmallow (FA)
Marshmallow (TPA)
Graham cracker (CAP)
Graham cracker (RFSC or FLV)
Comment said RFSC was best GC?
Lemonade (FLV)
Pink lemonade(CAP)
Lemon sicily (FA)
Lemon (FE)
Apple candy (TPA)
Green apple hard candy(CAP)
Sour apple (FLV)
Sour (TPA)
Hard candy (FW)
Super sweet (CAP)
Super sweet (PUR)
Sweetness (FLV)
Sweetener (FW)
Polar blast (FA)
Menthol (TPA)
Peppermint (TPA)
Cool mint (CAP)
Creme de menthe (FLV)
Golden pineapple(CAP)
I appreciate any help or info, thanks