Kayla just tried it and said it tastes like some fruit I don’t like LOL
I dunno who Kayla is but its an exotic fruit…
LOL my daughter, and she was talking about Wayne’s mix. Probably should mention my twin daughters are 23 before someone thinks I’m letting a kid taste flavors hahaha
PSS don’t EVER look up Wet Melon from Africa because I DID not need the urban dictionaries definition OMG!
I just looked it up…wtf!
Yeah that was more information than I needed this morning!
That’s just asking for it
Sure is. The classic “Do Not Press Button” sign next to the pretty red one.
I looked it up too, of course. I never knew that had a name.
well I hope someone got happy this morning…
it’s still shot for me, nothing is moved, no tree still…
Yeps Snoopy tree for me, ornament of one…
I never thought it was such a bad little tree.
By the way, is that an apple on top? Bam! Thread re-tracked.
mmm atm my fav apple is apple pop…
fleshy meaty apple… almost the same apple as in apple cider <3
usage rate for me is .2% up to .8% not 1% as it is just too much
I’m sticking with WF SC Thai Apple for now. Really crisp fellow, that.
I’m liking the double apple cap since I bought it for one recipe and had no other reason to buy it LOL