Help with an RDA - Favorite Wick for Best Flavor?

I just watched a youtube video on that tank. It looks like it would be easier to build on as well. It’s a huge profile… big tank!

My perfect coil in my perfect world would be made out of some kind of porous inert rock in an encasement that wouldn’t go bad for 6 months - or ever. I would like to see the kind of coil you could put in an ultrasonic with a little vodka and water once a week and have the thing last 6 months. I would pay a lot for a coil like that.

I have actually kind of ribbed Aspire about ripping us off with coils. I told them they make Keurig’s and Milk Steamers and those last a long, long time. I think there’s too much money to be made selling coils for the manufacturers to make something that works like that though…they made stockings to run so women had to constantly replace them. I think it’s kind of the same thing here.

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You sound like me. Except I don’t wear stockings :wink:

I had 2 Aspire tanks. To me, they are starter tanks. But even at that, a beginner starting out with one may give up on vaping and go back to smoking. Because in my honest opinion, they are terrible at best. That is subjective because when I bought the Aspire tanks I loved them. But I didn’t know any better.

I now have a couple Kanger Sub-Tank Mini’s, A Goliath V2, a Crown, and various drippers. I build coils like Staggered-Fused Claptons for all of my atomizers. I have yet to try a screw in coil that comes close to the quality of vape I get from them. I have coils I have been using for two months. I just clean and rewick every few days, unless I want to change flavors.

Building and wicking coils for RBA decks isn’t all that difficult. In the end you will enjoy it. There are tons of videos on how to do it. But even if you don’t build them yourself, you can buy them cheap on Amazon. If you have never vaped on a Clapton coil I highly recommend you do. It will change everything for the better.


I cannot argue with you one bit about this tank. There has been nothing but trouble with these things since they walked in my door. I would argue it’s not a starter tank, I will tell you it’s a fixer upper little Diva tank.

First it wanted a bath, then it demanded new coils. It told me it wanted a drip tip converter to make myself more comfortable. So the original investment of $24.00 each turned into $40.00 more for new packs of coils, $11.00 for rda’s, $6.00 for drip tip converters and I had to buy a new mod to push more power at the coils. I’m $200.00 in the hole and I almost threw all my gear off a bridge and dedicated myself back to a life of driving to the gas station once a day again lol…

… and - almost forgot - all my juice has to be knocked down from 6mg to 1mg so it doesn’t rip out the back of my throat!

But I’m not bitter. ROFL


Don’t give up. All you need is a good tank. I love my Kangers, the Goliath is amazing, and the Crown… well lets just say it is vape heaven. It is a very nicely made tank. I am reminded of that every single time I take it apart or even simply fill it up. I am a CNC Programmer and machinist of 20+ years. And in my opinion, the Crown is the pinnacle of Chinese machining prowess rising to the level of other countries such as Germany, Japan and the US.

That’s not to say these are the best. I am desperately waiting for the Aromamizer RDTA. I have a few more tanks on my list. But I am betting the Aromamizer is going to be my new favorite tank.

So I guess your topic went from wicking selection to tank selection. I think that is much more important than wicking. I hope this helps. Because I have been in your shoes, trying to find a better vape. Now I just sit back and enjoy, no matter which tank I choose :wink:


I just looked the Clapton coils. I can almost feel the power but I can also see myself trying to attach those to this little teeny tiny deck. Might be a good argument for child labor. You could do this really easily with very tiny little hands. lol

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I appreciate your help more than you know. I will sell these Atlantis tanks eventually. There are people who love these tanks and honestly those Clapton coils are cool. I can see those working great on a dripper!

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The deck size determins the size of wire you use. I have built claptons using a 30 gauge core and a 36 gauge wrap, then twisted around a 1.5mm rod. I would recommend starting with a 28 gauge core and a 32 gauge wrap. You need a variable speed drill. Once you get your clapton wire made pick a rod that looks like it will fit between your posts with the clapton wire wrapped around it. Then wrap it around the rod until the coil length puts the leads where your post screws are. There is probably a video on building a coil for your rda.

If you don’t want to make your own clapton wire, you can buy it pre-wound from various sources. VaporDNA sells some I believe.


Trust me, they work well on anything. I never use my drippers unless I am testing juice. Mainly because I can get RDA flavor out of my RDTA’s


For ten dollars it’s worth finding out… it’s just my eyes are so bad now!

I think you can buy pre-wrapped on ebay. Thank’s for giving me the gauge size! I will want to keep the ohm’s close to .5. I am a little chicken of going lower than .5. I saw a youtube video of a guy making that coil with a drill too.

I just watched a video on the Aspire 2 coil build. I have never rebuilt a stock coil. So I don’t know how challenging it would be to get a clapton in there. I would like to see someone do that.

I know I couldn’t do it.

I’ve had my eye on that aromamizer since its release, and then when I decide to buy, everywhere I gobits sold out…I have big hopes for it as well…have you seen that mutation x mt-rta? It’s a beast…very awesome piece it is…

Hey…is there a difference between muji and koh gen do?

My sampler cae in yesterday…haven’t tried any yet, but lemme show you what I got for 8 bucks! And on each bag he states what he thinks its good for…look at this:

That’s the list of whats inside…12 different kinds!

And there are some samples…they are all very nice, as far as look and feel…
I’ll let ya know when I try them…


Very nice! :+1:

You should start a new topic for this vendor and review his product! I’m sure everyone would like to know about the possibilities of the cotton for wicking. :wink:

I listened to a YouTube interview with this guy and he’s very interested in the vaping community and providing a quality product, sans the industrial crap with other wicking products!


I haven’t tried anything but Japanese and Cotton Bacon. That is next on my to-do list.

I have not used both, but according to a quick google search and reading posts from people who have tried both maybe 1 person out of 10 said there was any difference between the various brands of unbleached organic Japanese cotton.

@zigz that is also an extremely useful piece of information! Thank you!

@Whiterose0818 that’s very cool though. Looks like fun!