I don’t even know where to start.
To the ones who know who I am, I’ll start with an apology. I’m so sorry. I never meant to be gone so long. Months, maybe, but years? Wow. I don’t know how that happened. Life, I guess. I’ve missed this place, and I’m glad there are still some familiar faces here. Life got bigger and also much smaller in a lot of ways. I graduated finally! May of last year. I have a great job, reliable vehicle, boyfriend who adores me, and I bought a house! If you’d told me two years ago that this is where I’d be, I think I’d have laughed. It’s been a roller coaster couple of years. I have been dealing with some health issues over the last couple of years, but I’m finally starting to get a handle on them. The great job has also at times been not so great, but it’s better now. Unfortunately, as tends to happen, my days and time have gotten pretty narrow. Wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, watch a little tv, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. Guess that makes me officially a grown up.
On to all the new folks who are thinking, “Who the heck is she?” Hi, I’m JoJo. I’m glad you’re all here, and it’s so great to see so many new (to me) people. Once upon a time, when ELR was a little bitty baby forum, I meandered over in the hopes of winning a ProVape Provari (RIP Provaris). I didn’t, but I stuck around for a bit because there was this really great vibe and the folks on the forum were like a family. Everyone was so helpful and kind, and while they may have been thinking it, nobody actually called me stupid when I asked a million questions or said something dumb. Eventually, I started helping other new people, Lars let me help with the behemoth task of cleaning up the dupes in the flavor database, I became a moderator, and then an admin. Then things happened, here on the forum and in my personal life, and I had to take a break before it broke me.
So, here I am. Sort of. I’m not sure if I still belong here or if you guys want me here after abandoning you all for so long. I’m woefully out of the loop on almost everything vape related. I’ve only done enough mixing to keep me and the BF (who only vapes ONE juice ) in liquid. I’m using a Crown 3 on a Geek Vape Aegis. All my other mods, including my Whiterose Tardis
, bit the dust. (I still have the Whiterose in the event I can find time to try and fix it.)
Work blocks access to ELR on their network and my laptop, so I am limited to posting on my phone until we get a home PC, which is in the works. BF is a geek and wants to build one, so we’re in negotiations on that front.
I know I have a lot of catching up to do, so I probably won’t post much (that’s of any real substance) for now. But, if you guys will have me back, I’ll be around.