Hi I don’t like to ask but would it be possible if everyone could Share this please

I’ll keep everyone up to date on the Journey


Thank you very much @Englishguy. I’m glad I could help in a small way, and a LOT of other people as well.


@SessionDrummer I know and we are so Grateful for everyone’s Generosity


Make me happy that people who we don’t know in person really care



How come?


How do you mean how come


Hi all just to let you all know I’m going to go to a tank shop and see what I can get can’t wait I’ll upload photos tomorrow Thank you all again :blush::star::star::+1::+1::+1:


That is GREAT NEWS @Englishguy !!!


I know I like to haggle and I think when I show them that the media is involved I think I may have a strong hand in getting a good deal it would be free advertising for them the local paper and Devonlive. The way I see it if you don’t ask you don’t get what’s the worst they can say “no sorry” but at least I would of tried I may not be able to set it up in till my daughter is back at school but :crossed_fingers:t2:I do get it tomorrow all depends on the wife. You know what they can be like


Local we have two shops


Glad this is going forward! Congratulations @Englishguy


Hi all well today we went fish tank shopping and got the tank sand , stand Protein skimmer and filter got to go back tomorrow for my live rock and water


Still got the stickers on the tank at the moment lol


You’re going to have a fun weekend!!! :smiley:


@Gus6 Very true once tank is up and running I have to let it do a cycle 3-4 week before I can add any fish just running it with just the live rock and salt water I’ve added some live bacteria liquid today have to do that for 5 day and doing water test never used this before seeing if I can rush the cycle So I can get some fish in there. Any corals Will be in 2-3 mouths Asl long as the water is right


Don’t rush a salt water tank setup. It takes time for everything to settle in. A lot more than a simple freshwater setup. Also, lighting is key, especially with live rock and coral. I hope you have a good light setup with a timer to simulate real sunlight. Do you have a UV light setup?

A local shop in town has the world’s largest indoor living reef. He grows coral and living rock (very hard to do). The setup takes up an entire warehouse, and the tours he gives explain it all so well. It is one big system with water flowing from one tank/container to another. It’s too bad you don’t live close enough to take a tour. It’s pretty amazing. Anyway, looking good so far. I had a Fluval filtration system and loved it. Nice skimmer too.


I remember my first saltwater tank. I had been breeding freshwater fish and had 30 tanks setup. A neighbor gave me a 20 gallon saltwater tank, already setup and working. I thought “what the hell”. I transferred the water to jugs and carried the tank in and set it up with the original water. 5 days later the damsel fish in the tank split in half somehow lol.


God that’s bad may of been the powerhead/ wave maker do you still do salt water. Bet that tore would be fantastic

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No, I got rid of all my tanks years ago and just had two 200 gallon Oscar tanks until 5 years ago. Oscars were my fave because they are one of those fish that pay attention to you when you are by the tank. Mine would rub against my finger like a cat. Either that or bite you lol. And let me tell you, a 14" Oscar bite hurts! They used to jump up and hit the light hood chasing a fly or something. I had to build a heavy duty hood to stop them from knocking the light off the tank.

I am thinking of getting back into it though. Maybe a cold water setup for Discus or something cool. One of the coolest tanks I ever had was a 235 gallon with 300 Neon Tetras in it, along with a couple 6" red tail sharks, and a couple large Plecos and other small community fish. It had a forest of living Cabomba and other plants, and natural wood/stone landscaping. I could sit and watch the Tetras school though the plants for hours.