Greetings my friends and fellow mixers, just joined up and thought I would introduce myself. Im Kirk, living in Ontario. Been mixing a couple months. Doing pretty good so far, have a few steeping ATM.
Just thought I would say, much respect for your recipes, knowledge and assistance.
Welcome ! Good to hear you have batches steeping already that is the key to success is having a steady flow of steeped juice while you mix fresh batches so you can test them along the way.
We look forward to your contributions to the community
meanwhile here’s a few threads you may find interesting
Right on. Looks like a great community. Ya i picked out 3 nice recipes to mix up. Bombis nana cream, A strawberry custard and mothers milk Wow, lots of flavors in that one. From what I have read so far, its all about knowledge and patience. And building a working knowledge of the flavors.
Welcome to star ship e-liquid! Many good crewmen aboard with an occasional alien disturbing the peace. We have science officers, engineers and medical personnel so you are largely safe.