HiLIQ Free Shipping Coming!

Will hiliq have free shipping for Chinese New year?
Anyone know


I doubt it. The reason they had this one was because the cost of shipping was going to rise a lot in future.
Not sure they could afford it again. But you never know.
Keep your eyes peeled. I’m on their mailing list so if they do I will post it here.


I’m still waiting on mine. They refuse to answer my emails. I’m very disappointed with them and I’ve been a customer for four years. Wankers.


That sucks, it’s the first negative I hear about Hiliq. Everything on this fucking planet is going down the drain


Sure seems like that some of the time doesn’t it ?

Sorry to hear that @natbone. I too am surprised, as I’ve never heard of issues like that with them.


It is my fault to a degree. I used them for a couple of years when I lived in the UAE. last year I bought some and it was sent to Atlanta. On this order I somehow missed that the site defaulted to the UAE though I know I selected the Atlanta address. This was not a one off thing as I’ve had to do it a number of times for few sites which won’t delete the UAE addresses.

So I get an email from FedEx in Dubai informing me they can’t contact me by phone. I replied explaining the situation. They said they’d return it to sender. I then contacted Hiliq and told them that I screwed up and I would gladly pay for the shipping to the US. I received a reply telling me to wait until they received it. I should add that this was an order with the free shipping.

It’s been 5-6 weeks now and I’ve sent 4-5 emails to customer support and the individual who had emailed me (he used an Arabic name but I highly suspect he’s Chinese). I’ve yet to receive a reply. If indeed FedEx had returned the package it should be there by now. It’s possible they didn’t or it got lost but they still could have told me that. It’s only .5 L but I’m annoyed and currently scheming on how to get back at them.

Have you ever noticed that no one ever says’ It’s not personal, it’s just business." when they do the correct thing?


So I just found the return shipping number for FedEx. It was received and signed for by Lifang in Shanghai on 12/16, three days after it left Dubai.

Now they’re just being assholes.




I just opened a chargeback against HiLiq. They’ve refused to answer my emails for the last 6 weeks.


@natbone very (both) surprised, and saddened you’ve had to do that. You sure you don’t want some Freebase ?


Thanks for the offer, it’s very generous of you. There are people here who could probably do with some extra nic.

I suspect that once the bank contacts HiLiq they’ll ship it out asap. If not, I get my money back. I’ve got enough nic for a decade.


Still, it is no way to do business. I suppose it’s the same when it comes down to friendships, you really find out who your friends are when times are tough.


I agree. I won’t hold it against the company because it’s most likely one person screwing up. Because I’ve done business with them before without issue I’m willing to give them a another shot if I do decide to buy in the future. But this isn’t baseball, they only get two strikes.


Yea I meant it too, HiLIQ Vanilla comes from the glands of Archangels and mixed by food scientists that came back in time from the future with the tech needed for the process.


@Beaufort_Batches that is really high praise, especially coming from you. :slight_smile: