Hot/warm bath or not?

Clarifying, just from my own experience and understanding. “Through water medium” refers to the water in the ultrasonic cleaner’s tank. Not implying that whatever is being put through the cavitation process of the ultrasonic has to be suspended in a water based medium to work.

The water fully transfers the waves through the glass and into the contained liquid, which is why some see those bubbles (for those who shake before putting the glass in the US).

Also worth reminding anyone new to the concept of using a US, that using plastic containers not only reduces the effectiveness of the transferring of the US waves, but in addition, you then potentially open the subject of leeching concerns (depending on type of plastic, length of time in the US, and temp).

@DoY close… :wink: But I don’t disagree with BoDarc (or others in the ballpark). Just for clarification though:

It’s all a matter of preference, but this is what’s worked for me. And I mix with 80vg FWIW. So there’s a lot of things to consider in all of the above.
It’s all about your patience and perspective point of view! Lol


Could you expand that a bit… I am new to the concept and you woke up some concerns, my US device it is about to arrive and I was actually thinking to use plastic.

I was just sharing what I have read and expanding the info… Learning is fascinating! :slight_smile:


I like to fill mine with 90 weight gear grease. It runs quieter.


Well, it’s been covered in varying topics, and from different concerns, but here’s a few that I pulled in a quick search using “leeching” as the keyword.

And my recent thoughts/commentary:

There’s a lot more info available on ELR alone, but it’s worth digging further into, especially if you’re considering using heat! At least IMO. :wink:


You know, after reading the links I just realized I had a misunderstanding problem (English it is not my first language) and I guess you misspelled leeching (Leeching definition: Any bloodsucking or carnivorous aquatic or terrestrial worm of the class Hirudinea) and leaching (Leaching is the loss or extraction of certain materials from a carrier into a liquid (usually, but not always a solvent). So, I got some concerns about being vaping carnivorous aquatic worms


When I mix, I keep my bottle of VG in a hot water bath via crock pot. I keep the water at about 125-135F, and when I mix, the VG is the last to go into the juice bottle. I’ve experimented with using a small milk frother with a plastic stirrer to stir the juice directly in the bottle for 15-30 seconds and shaking the bottle vigorously for 30 seconds to a minute. So far, I’ve not been able to taste any discernible differences between shaken and stirred-the juices taste about the same after about a week’s steep. The stirred comes together a little quicker than the shaken, but there’s no real earth-shattering difference between the two. For me, I’ll use the stirrer as my hands don’t do well with the repetitive nature of shaking.


I guess by “harm” I mean is giving them a bath causing the flavor to degrade /weaken

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In all seriousness, ive never noticed heat make anything better, in my early days i noticed that heating certain liquids and letting them breath with the lid off for too long diminished the flavour somewhat, nowadays i only let them breath for an hour if the flavour is harsh with no heat, lock em up, shut em away for a month, there really is no substitute for time.


I’ve always enjoyed vaping aquatic worms myself. Adds a little protein which is good for keeping my blood sugar balanced.


Most people pay extra for ‘flavor crystals’…


whats up brother,i use crock pot as well but I leave nicotine out and give my juice a 20 second ride in the micro wave fold up a full sheet of paper towel fold it accordingly sit in my office and shake the hell out of it ,the microwave breaks viscosity of vg and that’s all is needed any way I shake and rest repeat then close up in cabinet and mark 1 month later this has worked for me,ready to vape sit nicotine out of fridge for about an hour add microwave 15 seconds shake until well you want to stop fresh nic good juice what else would a man or woman would ever want PERFECTION loving every minute of it good luck brother sniper out