good idea. Any volunteeers?
(we can rule me out. I’m on the wrong side of the pond
not burn so much as gunks 'em up faster. eg my coils last 2 weeks or so, before i need to either clean 'em or chuck em. , might get 3-4 weeks if i was vaping with pg. can’t see this being a problem for you
what might be a problem is juice a bit too thick, depending on ypur kit, and consistency of your VG. If you find it needs thinning, try adding distilled water or vodka in very small quantitities , being very careful NOT to overdo it. In fact, split your jiuice into two batches(at least) before thinning, just in case.
And practice vaping , like the man said. And me, i’d surely practice vaping pure unflavoured VG first before trying out that flavour .
me, i think it could actually be nice, if you got the quatitities just right, but then you’d probably need to spend a year or two fine-tuning it to get the quantities just right , so let’s assume it’s gonna taste awful.
That said, you could make several variants simultaneously , to increase the odds. and you can, of course, ask our advice on dilution %, once you’ve got your flavours.
Oh! you also need to know about dry hits, That’s what you get when you vape a tank dry. Don’t. You’'ll immediately know it if you do, by the ghastly plasticy taste. that’s what burned coil tastes like . Nothing to do about that but replacethe coil with a new one.
I don’t know if it’s awesomely brave or awesomely foollish to jump in at the deep end like this. Gotta say I admire your tenacity though