How I create Recipes

If that’s the impression you get from ELR, I think you’ve got it all wrong. AFAIK nobody is telling anyone “you have to do it my way”. People share their experiences and others learn from it.
If you don’t want to do your single flavor tests, it’s all fine, you mix for yourself (or some others that enjoy your recipes). The only thing that people are saying is that you’ll only truly understand your flavors and their workable ranges if you do single flavor tests properly, if you start low, build up and find out what the workable range is for specific flavors and take notes along the way. The additional knowledge you gain from doing it is (in my opinion, yours may be different) not something you can replicate by using the flavors at recommended % and then playing a bit with them. But in the same way, doing a single % single flavor mix doesn’t give you a whole lot of extra info, just a tiny bit more than a knuckle test or a smell test…

I don’t really agree with your opinion and I definitely don’t see it as “work” or “unpleasant”. It is all part of the discovery and it’s also how I found out that quite a few flavors are more than good enough to vape as single flavors.

Single flavors are “recipes” as well, only they’re made by a manufacturer. ELR contains user made recipes but when all ingredients are put together, you end up with a new “flavor” which you can use as a single flavor (one shot) as well. It’s all the same and I don’t think anyone should look down on using single flavors or consider them inferior in any way.
If you see a recipe on ELR that people praise, I figure you’d want to test it as is (if you have all the ingredients) and not immediately start tinkering with it and add all kinds of other things to it. To me it’s a bit the same story with flavors from manufacturers. But again, to each their own and if you really don’t like it, I’ll be the last person to tell you to do it my way. All I’d want you to realize is that people gain a lot of additional information that will make you a better mixer in the sense that you’ll have more successes and less failures, less work to fine-tune your (or others’) recipes to where you want them to be.

When people here tell others how to do things, just consider it advice to make your life easier and more pleasant. You seem to suggest it’s the opposite and people do it to make your life miserable and difficult. I really don’t see it that way and I hope most people will see it for what it is.


Very very well put. Thanks @anon28032772 for coming out and saying this.

Pretty much what I always say, till I get a gut full and have to come across as a B__________.
Funny this topic came up after my solo test test topic… but it is word for word from my site, as a new back up. Take it how you want it… if you learn something, good, if not carry on with what you do. Others do know better.


Oh shup Sally! /slap

/kidding of course.
Had to be done though. :rofl:


Yeah you will!



@anon84779643 LOL girl, you don’t HAVE to. Just answer if people ask, advise if applicable, help if needed, that’s all you gotta do.

I’m not here to bomb on Michelle’s thread. She created it, on how SHE created recipes. We don’t need to derail. If she were asking for help, advice, or stated having issues, maybe, but let’s just let this ride as “How I create recipes”.


And it will always be the way I create recipes. No one has to like it, or even duplicate it. It’s for me, yep DIY and I is me :slight_smile:


And Rocky, that’s fine. Do you and have fun. Don’t ever let someone tell you how to mix. Ever. You’ll have much more fun doing it your way


I certainly was not derailing…
I commented to @anon28032772 in agreement of @anon28032772’s post here…
Now I am responding to you. :slight_smile:

What ever Michelle does, is on her. I will advise her that not all created threads are about her, for her or anything else. Obviously she has taken quiet a few ideas, as well as offenses, and wants to turn it to everything negative when I create a post here. Not my intention for her to do that. If it does bother her, perhaps she should examine, and think, but again, that is not my call either. :slight_smile: Carry on!


Here’s a great idea. Why don’t you keep my name off your lips, and your suggestions to people asking for them. Obviously you’ve taken offense at the way I like doing things and that’s fine, free country. I know it may shock you but not everyone cares to do things your way or live off Flavorah. And again, free country. I won’t stop talking about the way I do things because it offends your delicate sensibilities. Not all threads are about you, although you might seem to think they are. This is my way of mixing. How you do you is great for you, best of luck with it. Doesn’t work for me, but so be it.


So that means if I make a post, you wont be copying me anymore?

Serious… this has gone on too long. Go take a bubble bath, write a book, what ever. When I have folks jumping into my mail asking about my solo taste testing thread and your post, its me with your name all over it… right.

when I have not even posted a thing and said this thread is for Michelle… ONLY…

mmm I think you need to chill and get over yourself. Serious… My post today had zero to do with you… I have preached on solos now for 6 yrs… and I do have people that said they learned it from me. It helped them to do well. Read this thread here you created. The advise you are given…

If you do not want to do solo testing, you do not have to. Not at all. Feel better now?

I do know some have way too many flavors to test, some work 12 hr jobs, some can barely mix… its what ever YOU put into it… Not me, not anyone else. However if you teach someone how to mix, how to adopt adapt, you should include solos… Like someone else already posted here. Read this thread here again, top to bottom, the advise given. Not all by me either.

But at least do you… and stop making me feel like you shadow me. Cuz it is plain and obvious to at least a few here besides me. Stop.


Oh you two.


Please get over yourself. For your sake not for mine. I’ll put you back on mute and hopefully we can be done with this. You just mentioned my name above. Let’s keep my name off your lips, I’ll keep you off mine And anyone reading this, please keep anything Smoky says about me to yourself. I appreciate the good gestures, but I have no desire to listen to anything she has to say anymore. I do wish you well. I hope that your business does well. I hope you do whatever it is in your heart you feel you need to do. Please leave me out of your conversations, and I’ll leave you out of mine. I promise.


too much drama, and I do not have the time for it.

so minus one Phil… Im out…

One big lesson here: You can not teach anything to someone not willing.


Think I’m going back in the shadows for 2020. Many here can contribute much more than I. Good luck all!


I think it’s not a good place for personal quarrels …
There are many musicians who have not taken a class of music theory in their life, and there are others who are great, precisely because they have studied music theory …
There is no right way to do things, it depends a lot on the person …


Marry me.
Exactly my method. (The whole post).
Okay let’s not get married. That never works.
But much much love.
I’m drawing on five flavors at this moment.
All made by me.
But. Most, not formulated by me.
I did some responsible subs on my “peanut butter banana boss” recipe I think called “boss reserve clone” in its original iteration, and it is my best coil killer yet.
I’m ripping on a flavor I call “chug”, because that’s what you want to do to it, that (admittedly) came from “Dairy queen peanut butter malt shake” or some such. It’s no secret.
Lemon bar. Mine. After a while screwing up I found the right mix of lemon, bakery, sour, sweet.
And it’s delicious.
I use the responsible SFT tasters and reporters to read their notes and find the nuances of the various flavors.
So I don’t think I want to alienate them.
They’ve given me vapable flavors either through their notes or great recipes.
I appreciate EVERYONE’S input here.
And I also love the fact that this is something that we are all passionate about, to the degree that we argue.
I don’t want to pick a side.
I’m not even sure there IS one.
Some people are acerbic.
Some are here to advertise.
But we are ALL valuable.
All part of a community.
And really, it’s about juice.
I just want to be on your team.
This is your thread !
Get it on!
Why anyone would want to argue about vape flavors… That’s silly.


Well dang Johnny, I’m already married, but you could be my internet husband? LOL is that still illegal? And yeah I know where you’re coming from! I started out just mixing stuff that HIC created and then tweaking it to make me happy, then I said what the heck, I love to cook, I bet I can turn some of those cooking recipes into vaping recipes. I actually used HIC’s flavor notes which taught me a heck of a lot about FA. I love reading the notes from Developed too and listening to mixing shows … all of it goes into my brain and sometimes even stays there.

Just ordered Malt from Natures Flavors because I want to create a vanilla malt milkshake, I bet peanut butter would go great with that kind of recipe too!!! I’m becoming a flavor hoarder LOL every time I watch a show I hear about another flavor I want to try. Chug … you’ve got to share that link


so let’s rock.


As a fat ass chef and Mick Jagger impersonator, I don’t care so much.
I’m old.
Shey doobay!
Shattered shattered.
This town’s been tattered, my brains been battered, splattered all over, Manhattan.
She doobay…
What say?


LOL I’m old too just means we age like fine wine