How low is your Nic in mixes and can you tell if it's not there?

I currently vape at 1 mg and my wife keeps saying that I should just give up as 1 mg can’t be doing anything. I reckon I can tell when it’s not there but thought I would throw it out and see what you guys thought … :grin:

Edit: For those who don’t know me I only vape MTL, only mix desserts style - mainly custard based and use RTA’s exclusively not pods or normal tanks. :sunglasses:


I mix at 2mg, i notice if it is not there. I could go lower and have but i like it where it is. As @mrpipes said in the other thread i have no desire to quit. I like nicotine and now that im not inhaling 1000 other chemicals i see no reason to quit.

Microscopy is my favorite hobby but vaping related stuff i do much much more often.


I went lower due to all the Gov BS that has been happening over here. I did it for simple economy of nic and I still get something from it. Like you and @mrpipes I also enjoy vaping, just my wife (who is a reformed smoker that quit cold turkey) doesn’t understand why I am still doing it after 6 years of vaping…


Because its yummy and fun. Diabetes robbed me of sweets all day every day and vaping helped me through it, just as it did with smoking. Even tho my blood sugar is normal now i still reach for my vapes instead of candy, cakes, cookies and custards.


Just had my birthday yesterday and got a Red Velvet cake to celebrate. It ended up putting me to deep sleep about 40 mins after eating it. Not sure what my bloods were but they were still well over acceptable when I tested this morning. I am type 2 ,diet controlled, and boy I know it when I stuff up!


There is more to vaping than a nicotine intake. After 53 years of smoking cigarettes there is hand to mouth habit, the throat hit, and a need to fill the lungs with something other than air. I think I would miss those three more than the nicotine intake it’s self.


Me too. But what is life without some BDay cake form time to time, eh?


Totally agree and that is why vaping worked when everything else failed, it ticked all the boxes. And id rather smells like delicious stuff than the bottom of an ashtray.


Absolutely agree with this, I think mine is a hand to mouth addiction. I can go without for 6 hours if needed when working, but on it again directly when I can.


I dont even really miss it either but as soon as i leave a place i cant vape its right back in my hand.

When i smoked it would affect where i went and how long stayed there. Likely had more to do with the added chemicals than the nicotine itself.


Originally started at 12mg, then dropped it to 6 after a couple of years. Now it’s 3 and I’ll probably keep it there until all my nic is gone. That should be sometime next year. I’m not sure that the nic was ever a quitting-quitting factor as it was more the behavior that became a habit when I smoked. If I didn’t have some tool or other manual implement in my hand, it was a cig. Don’t plan on quitting vaping as like many others, I enjoy it too much. The flavor, the creativity, the hardware, and just the fun of it all. I’m a sweet freak and vaping the flavor has kept me from eating the flavor (80% of the time). I know that when I’m out of nic, I won’t be buying any to replace it. Too expensive and too much of a hassle.
Never tried making no-nic juice, but maybe I should. Just to see…


I have and it’s ok, just seems to be missing something… possibly a psychological thing?


Oh yes, I so relate. Also had issues if too far from somewhere to buy tobacco if I was running low. More than once I rode my motorbike a couple of hours away to get cigs because I couldn’t wait until morning.


I mixed all the contest entries at 0mg. I wont do that next time.

I dont mind zero nic BUT i love nic and caffeine and i dont drink soda that has no caffeine. Zero sugar tho.

Think ill give 1mg a go again with the next batch of liquids i mix. Couldnt hurt to stretch out the 135 years worth of nic we have.


Once i switched to rolling my own, American Spirit, i had less issues with it. I think switching to AS made it a lot easier to transition. First time i vaped real juice in a real tank was the last time i had a smoke.

Canned AS had no added chemicals, and the list of chemicals normally added is insane.


It really depend on multiple factors like the device and how much your vaping. I normally vape at 6mg in a rda but make my sft at 1mg and sometimes if im chain vaping that 1mg i will start getting over nic’ed. If i were vaping 1mg in a pod though i may not feel anything.


@Ianc13 that’s a hard question to answer but an easy thing to find out. If you mix up a few small bottles of your custard, small. Some at 1, some at 0, and mix’m up, start running through them, see how you do.

I’m still 3mg DTL, and 12mg MTL, so hehe, I’m still in the YES camp currently.


Yeah, yummy and fun, AND, it keeps me from CRASHING when I drive, and I drive a LOT. BUT, that’s my situation.


Happy belated birthday @Ianc13.


YES @rcleven, I call it my “Hand to Mouth” disease.