How low is your Nic in mixes and can you tell if it's not there?

Thanks mate, it was on the thirteenth so you only just missed it from your side of the world… :grin:


Dont know how i missed that you said yesterday. Happy Birthday to you!!


@Ianc13 I’m no expert, but I DO do, a lot of flavor testing, and have actually run side by side A:B tests with, and without NIC, and we’re talking only 3mg for DTL, but after my NON scientific tests, I can tell you, I decided to test WITH NIC. It isn’t like I can’t have any of my “hot” rigs sitting right beside me during the tests, if/when I was testing 0 NIC flavors, but it DID seem like something was “missing” when I zero’d out my testers.


Yeah, well, sorry about that. :slight_smile:

It’s what I do. :slight_smile:


Nothing to be sorry about, not like I publicise it at all… Cheers

Thanks mate. :grin:

I know right… Looking at the thread on the homogenizers and the discussion on oxidization from adding nic, makes me wonder if it imparts a flavour or note to a mix even at small quantities.


I don’t think I have my “notes” when (way back), I was trying to decide whether to NIC or NOT NIC in my testers. I gotta find them, but in effect, it was that the flavors tasted/felt/were better/fuller/more complete with NIC, and this was across numerous flavors I tried it with. I never nailed down a TASTE, or specific attribute, but after my hot vs. no hot comparisons, I just started loading all of my testers with NIC. Kind of vague I know …


I get that @SessionDrummer, for me it’s like it adds more depth to the recipe. Will have to do the test as you suggested at some stage and see what happens. I figure if oxidization affects the juice if left to long it must do something from a week or so into the “steep”. Maybe @mrpipes could chime in from his perspective as he is way more knowledgeable than me on the subject of mixing with and without nic.


I have long believed that nic affects our tastes. I leave it out when mixing but can definitely tell if its not there when vaping. So I think our senses are accustomed to it. I have two brands of nic and even at 1 mg can taste the difference. I stocked up on Carolina Extractors and also have Chemnovatic. IMO the Carolina is by far the best but the Chemno is also good.

When I mix a large batch I transfer 30 mls at a time and add the nic. If vaped within a month or so I don’t detect any negative effects.

Edit. I don’t know why I said a month. I have experienced that but if vaped right away, no.


I’m thinking I would vape at 0.0 nic. They taste so freaking GOOD!! I always make my recipes @6% but for some reason when I get the the nic, I always cut it in half.


I guess that nicotine affecting the taste of eliquids is based on personal tastes. I have several pipe tobacco recipes that I vape @ 0mg just for the flavor as I vape them MTL (no inhale). For my ADV or recipes that I vape occasionally my nic concentration can be 3-6mg depending on the unit I’m using. Typically I use a higher mg for pods where the flavor % is higher with a lower wattage. And 3mg for my ADV as it is typically vaped @ 55w with a subohm coil or RDA.


I started vaping at 18mg, dropped to 12 then 9 then 6 and have been at 3mg for the past 7 years. I’ve mixed up one small bottle of my ADV at zero and it just feels like something is missing at zero. As was stated in a prior post, nic is not the huge health risk. The huge health risk is…smoking !!


I mix my 120’s with 3mg of my all day vapes, but if I mix a 15,25 or 30 as a test run I’ll do 2. I don’t notice a difference between 2 and 3 really. I may go lower but Daniel (from Noted Dx) does 1 mg I think. Personally I have no desire to lower my nic unless I think I’ll run out but I think I’m good as far as NOT running out!

Ken, same here. When I quit smoking Vapetasia killer custard not only helped me from completing quitting smokes, I also lost 50 pounds! My A1C went down to 5.6! Unfortunately it went up again due to my own stupidity, but now it’s lower. I’ve always heard of ppl gaining weight after quitting butts.never losing though.


I’ve thought about this before, but never spoke of it out loud. THAT is absolutely about true curing that sweet tooth- and CONGRATZ on that achievement @Lynda_Marie!! :clap:


Thank you! It’s actually a total of 110 no surgery involved…I needed to have riding back in my life. Depression does a job on ya sometimes. Thankful I could bounce back so fast. :slight_smile:


Absolutely @Lynda_Marie, my wife has similar struggles so we know what you mean. Congrats on being able to lose such a phenomenal amount to chase your passion. :horse: :horse: :horse:


I started out at 36mg to get off the cowboys which worked well. I have been working my way down over the last 14 years. I have been at 5mg for a few years now. I might try 3mg coming up. I notice my body gets use to the amounts no matter what they are. It’s the mental that gets in the way.


I agree with the mental part. Habits are harder to break than actual addictions sometimes IMO.


I just mixed up another 475ml last night. I leave a 25ml headspace for shaking up in the empty 500ml VG bottles I repurpose. Maybe on the next batch I will try lower, but I do like my 5mg.


I started off at 24mg to kick the habit alomost 10 years ago. Dropped down to 12 in the subohm era and then down to 9 and was at 6 when I started diy 5 years ago. Since then, I’ve dropped 0.1% about once a month until I’m now at a comfortable 2.4%. 0.1% per month didn’t seem like much especially considering the smaller batches I make, but the realization that after some time goes by and I never missed it did sneak up on me.

Side note: I pumped it back up a couple percent during the height of covid just to help burn the nasties off. I work in public and only wore a mask on request. Never caught it until I dropped the nic back down and was rewarded with a minor case of omicron :man_shrugging:t2:


Perhaps someone should point your experience out to the Australian government.