How low is your Nic in mixes and can you tell if it's not there?

I’ve been vaping 4mg/ml for a long time (8 years ago I started at 12, quick drop to 9 then 6 then/now 4). When I dropped to 3 for a month my daily puffs skyrocketed by 50%. I just couldn’t put it down, so went back to 4mg/ml.

Bacause I’m an all DNA mod user, my puff stats daily are correlated automagically for me, and I’ve never looked at puffs on a singular mod.

I should try to drop again.


Not just there. The tin foil hats are everywhere. They’re even showing up here in the free state of Florida


I can’t remember exactly how sky high I started out with but it was pretty high. Heavy smoker, and I think I actually might have been 36mg, or at least 24mg when I started out dripping. It didn’t blow my fact off, and it DID get me off the analogs in ONE go, so I can’t complain. Dropped my MTL way down to 12mg, and after I got tired of dripping, started DTL’ing, and started out, and stayed at 3mg in that regard.


I was a pack a day for 35 years. At 27-28 smokes I’d cough every puff. Since starting vaping I’ve never had the urge for an analog puff.


I’ve been at 4.5mg salt DTL for four years. I’m perfectly fine with that. I have no intentions to stop vaping. I don’t drink, do drugs or have a girlfriend. I’ll be damned if I stop vaping.


How are you getting your TH with low nic? I ask because I figured out that even if I like the flavor of my juice I don’t enjoy it as much without a proper TH and that’s hard to accomplish with low nic. What’s your secret?


Flash (FA) works for one of my nephews. I dont remember what % range he uses it at.


Thx, I’ve heard that before but haven’t tried it. Maybe it’s worth the investment to find out.


Maybe add a little pga


Really don’t need anything to what I mix today. FA flash was use when I mixed tobacco’s when I first started vaping. Normally I mix max VG but I will raise the PG.


Just to be clear, there is a difference between PG and PGA. Did you really mean PGA and where do you get it?

PGA (Propylene Glycol Alginate) is sometimes confused with PG (Propylene Glycol) due to their similar names, but they are entirely different substances with distinct characteristics, properties, and uses. PGA is a derivative of alginic acid that incorporates propylene glycol groups into alginic acid molecules.


I think @rcleven is correct. VG is a sweetener and softens flavors. Raising PG content should add throat hit. However, while I have never used it, I’m pretty sure nic salts were sold both ways…soft or throat hit.

Textbook: “glycerine is a sugar alcohol. Its formula may be written as C3H8O3. (carbon,hydrogen and oxygen) It is a colorless, odorless, viscous, sweet-tasting liquid that is soluble in water.”

" Glycerine molecules are highly polar due to the presence of three polar hydroxyl (-OH) groups. These hydroxyl groups readily form hydrogen bonds with polar water molecules when mixed. Glycerine dissolves slowly as it takes time for the water molecules to disrupt the extensive hydrogen bonding between the glycerol molecules themselves."

“Steep” time anyone?

So increasing the PG content should be less soft until the mix becomes homogeneous when all the flavours bond together on a molecular level.


Perhaps @STR8V8PING meant Pure Grain Alcohol? Ive seen it used for such purposes in the past.


Pga as in pure grain alcohol aka everclear


It gives a slight kick to the TH but also a slight boost to flavors. Just a old trick


I’ve been wanting to pick up some Everclear at my local packy but they only carry qts.


Try vodka. It doesn’t have the alcohol content that Ever clear has but wii do the job. Should be EZer to find in pints.


I use MTL and mix at 70% VG or higher and at only 1mg. On my regular RTA’s (OG Berserkers) I get minimal TH which I am fine with. When I do want some TH, I use a Vapefly Galaxies RTA which for some reason gives throat hit regardless of the mix. I have 3 of these RTA’s and they all do it… :man_shrugging:


What type vodka, potato, wheat? I heard some modern vodkas have sugar in them. Idk anything about vodka, can you help?


I’m surprised. I usually keep the 70 VG for my desert or fruit vapes and lower it on my bacco vapes. Even with 40/60 in my Kayfun I don’t notice a prevalent TH. Maybe I’ll get out my Galaxies RTA. I also have the Galaxies RDTA. I wonder if it would be similar? Then again, TH could be just as subjective as taste. You may have a delicate throat :smile: