I have something going on with my dna200

I know not to many have the wismec dna200. But i think this is something in the board. I have my sub tank on there. And i be using it for 3 days now. And everything is fine. Then all the sudden i will go to hit it. And it fires with everything its got. And about kills me. I have my kangertech nmini sub on. Ohms at0.17. Watts at 30watts. 450f. Im not sure what its thinking lol

ok i rebuilt my coil in sub mini. I know everyone says no to nickel builds. but thought i would try it so see if that makes any difference. i made a 3mm 7 wrap 24g nickel wire, i got a 0.07 ohm build. the build is great. any ideas would help. thx

have you followed the many posts by @Pro_Vapes? he has done some amazing research and put alot of great info out… these are for advanced vapers and if not set up correctly could be an issue

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Ok maybe it’s my tank. The build deck on the positive side seems to be loose.

Yeah i looked at everything he said. But i have this problem with my pc. It’s a old mac. And it won’t let me download the program i need. So i can’t go in and change anything right now. My tank is the only one it has a problem with. All my rda’s work fine.

It does sound like a short somewhere…

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Yeah i found my rta sub had a short. It’s kinda spooky. It’s working fine. Then all the sudden it gives everything it’s got. Like WOW lol. I just need a new sub tank.

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Two times I’ve had those explosive molten lava demon from hell drags. Brought tears to my eyes. Definitely not funny.

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That sounds like it would cause trouble. If I understand it correctly, anything (other than heat) that can cause your resistance to change while vaping will mess up temp control, because temp control is all about treating resistance changes as being only due to the heat.

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Yea if you can’t hook the mod to escribe more then likely alot of your settings are off. Like your preheat is on 200 watts that’s more than likely a reason.

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I’ve read a few weeks ago the Escribe is for PCs only at this point.


Well thats about right. But sense i found out that had a short it hasn’t done that. But when you first hit the fire button. It shows 119deg to start off then gos up and back down. Im not sure what wismec them selves have it all set for.

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I know my ohm metter don’t seem to be right. It will show 0.17. And on 2 mods it will 0.04. I don’t thing 2 mods are off

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True, but you can run Windows in a number of ways on a mac. Boot camp, parallels, vmware, virtual box, wine, etc. Here’s a link from the Evolv forums.



I would be the last person to know that. I have 0 Mac experience. Very good info! :clap:


Well thank you brother. Im looking at it now. This may be a old moc. But was like 5k years ago

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You’re not the only person to think it. Most people tell me they won’t own a Mac because it can’t do everything a Windows computer can do. I look at it exactly the opposite way. Sold all my windows computers years ago and if I need Windows I just flip to it in Boot Camp.


it says cant install on this computer, not sure what boot camp is

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Right the Escribe software runs on Windows only. Boot Camp is a part of the Mac operating system that allows you to install a full version of windows you already own on a Mac and then either boot the computer as a Windows computer or a Mac with OS/X… If you don’t own a copy of Windows try using the instructions for installing Virtual box in the last link I posted. It’s free and includes a link to download a 90 day licensed version of windows you can use for Escribe.


I did that. And it said can’t on this system. I own the osx program. But this isn’t intel possessor it’s late. Im going to atack it again tomorrow brother. Thank

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