I just realized the aegis legend 3 doesn’t have a physical lock button. I think that’s gonna drive me crazy. I hope that doesn’t become an issue. I move around a lot. Being able to quickly lock my vape and throw it in my pocket is very important. I hope it’s not as bad as I think. I’ll see when I get it. I just saw it and thought it was the same as the L200, just updated. Only a couple bucks more and there were more colors available.
I have a bad feeling about this “smart lock” what a dumb idea. Sometimes I’m walking around with my vape in my hand doing something, of course I’m squeezing it and I use the physical lock all the time so it doesn’t fire while I’m holding it. Ffs who tested these things.
5 clicks on the fire button will turn it off. Still not as convenient as the side switch. I’m sure I’ll adjust.
I’m not gonna lie, I’m so salty I’m gonna return it upon receipt and get the L200 instead. I’m super worried that their “smart” lock will not be compatible with my lifestyle.
Don’t want to spend your money or peace of mind but most most mods out today have software locking. GV is the only one that has a physical slide lock that I know of. I worry more about losing my drip tips and tank caps.
I’m so indecisive. Now I actually do wanna try it out. I’m not sure if I should go with my initial instinct. Omfg. Because of I open and use it there’s no going back. My biggest fear is what if the sensors fail after a few months or a couple years? I just think that if I’m holding it in my hand and it goes off all the time with an accidental squeeze it’s gonna piss me off. That’s what I like my lock button for. I’m just really uneasy about the whole sensor technology junk. It’s just like, why? It’s so gimmicky and sounds incredibly fragile.
Oh wow. The drip tip thing, that’s funny. I’ve dropped my drip tips in the worst imaginable places and still managed to find them. I’ve dropped it on the path hiking and found it, and while working in a grassy backyard and somehow managed to luck out and find it. They slip off so easy if I bend the wrong way or I swipe them on something. I got some aftermarket ones with some nice snug O rings on them, drawback to those is that they’re pretty fragile. I also like the way the thick smooth bore tips feel on my lips better than more thin ones. and of course the smooth thick ones are the ones that slip right out.
That’s another thing though. Sometimes I’m holding my vape while holding a rake, and when I’m collecting firewood. I know I should just put if tf down. But I’m stubborn and I need to draw on it while I have a big stick in my hand.
Maybe I will open and use the L300, I can take one for the team of people like me who are incredibly sceptical and weary of the “smart” lock. I’ll definitely give a real unbiased review, cause I think the L200 is amazing. They really hit the mark of durability with this thing. Paint chipping aside, no paint would really stand up to constantly falling on its side on metal tables and concrete.
On a side note, I’m seeing these coil cutter guides. How nice. I’ve just gotten proficient in eyeballing the correct length. I haven’t screwed up a coil in a very long time. It would be nice to have some extra assurance im not gonna botch my 10$ coil though.
If you can find one squid industries detonator is another mod with a front lock button, still pull mine out occasionally. Love it and my double barrel mods though I don’t use them so much these days.
It’s cheap insurance! I have a set of 4mm and 5mm that came with a RDA or RTA I bought years ago when I first started building. They sit on my desk 24 hrs a day. Always use those. My coils only cost me 0.10 cents.
Do you wrap your own? It’s something I wanted to try but it seemed like a pain to find all the right stuff. I don’t understand the gauges and everything. I used to use the generic Chinese ones, but I’ve actually found the ones hand wrapped in the USA to be a lot better. Maybe I should start wrapping my own. I just don’t know where to get the coil wire. My thought process is how do I know it’s not adulterated ect?
My suggestion would be to watching a few U tube videos for beginners. As TZ suggested Wire Optimum is one supplier of wire. It’s as simple as going to Amazon. I shoot for a Ohm range and build to be close to that range. I already had the tools needed so it was a no cost start up for me except the wire.
Thank you! I just would love to know how coil builders get those crazy squiggly wires, and multiple wires in one coil. That hybrid wire spool looks like it’d be perfect for me though. I’ll definitely keep it in mind. Made in USA is a huge plus.
Don’t be intimidated. Start with simple round wire coils… then, if you want to get fancy… get fancy.
I’ve twisted and used simple 2.5mm 28ga. round wire coils since I started using an RDA/RTA. And that was a loooooong time ago. Kanthal, Ni-Chrome, Titanium, SS, etc. … you’ll find out what works best for you. Trial and error (error, error, error) is the name of the game.
Get yourself a good coil building kit, an assortment of wire, and go for it! YouTube is your friend in this area. There are tons of “build session” videos which will give you inspiration and knowledge.
I just watched a video of a guy stripping a Clapton, putting 3 wires together on a drill, and winding the stretched Clapton around them. If thats how they make the alien coils I buy, I can see why they’re 10$. Holy crap. Maybe they have that type of wire premade these days? Video was from 7 years ago. Seriously tho, if that’s how they make them I’m very impressed.
If I do start wrapping i wanna try the tri core hybrid wire, I don’t know what gauge to get to make a 6 wrap coil to fire at .26 ohms though. I played around with some calculators and got even more confused.