If you Vape... [corona]

Please take this serious… Stay safe, and wash your hands/use your gloves and masks when out…


Sorry, but negative media reports about vaping should really never be taken seriously. Given their history? Yeah I’m not about to call them experts.


I’d rather not take chances, we only get one go around…
Unless you believe in reincarnation :wink:


Are you going to stop vaping for a while?


I forget to vape every now and then, however… no.

I make sure everything I put into my mouth or vape in on or about is sanitized.

Only thing we all can do. Especially if you are taking your equipment out with you on store runs…
Just practice being safe… so you wont be sorry later.


That’s all fine and well, but you know a piece of Covid-19 could land in your eye at any time. I just don’t know if articles about vaping making the pandemic worse are all that meaningful or helpful.


As always, I will trust this man above all other when it comes to vaping http://www.ecigarette-research.org/research/index.php/whats-new/2020/278-corona

There is no evidence on any effects of e-cigarettes on coronavirus infectivity and disease progression, and we cannot exclude the possibility that the use of propylene glycol might have some beneficial effects. As a result, reasonable recommendations concerning smoking, e-cigarette use and the coronavirus epidemic include the following:

  1. Try to quit smoking.
  2. If you cannot quit smoking by yourself or with currently-approved methods, use e-cigarettes to quit.
  3. If you are a dual user of e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, try to completely quit tobacco cigarette use.
  4. If you are a former smoker and current e-cigarette user, you may want to quit e-cigarette use but not at the risk of relapsing to smoking. You should continue to use e-cigarettes if there is any chance that quitting may lead to smoking relapse.
  5. If you have never smoked, there is no evidence that initiating e-cigarette use will prevent coronavirus infection or reduce disease severity. So, don’t start vaping.

I think educating yourself and realizing we are all walking germ factories right now by any attempts to keep yourself from being sick, should be explored and not debated.


Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced immediate and complete sterilization of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae , and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time. Pronounced effects on both pneumococci and hemolytic streptococci were observed when concentrations as low as 1 gm. of glycol to fifty million cc. of air were employed.


We all already know this. We live amongst so many ‘germs’ constantly, and will long after Covid-19 becomes a footnote in history. I’d like to dole out a bit of advice to you, my favorite Flavorah pusher- calm down! And stop posting so much scaremongering. We’ve seen enough to understand the need for cleanliness and social distancing.


To me these publications mean little or nothing valuable. Maybe breathing the air in New York is part of their being more affected than others. I don’t know.


Phil… it does not hurt to make sure you have clean equipment…
instead of advise… just keep yourself and your loved ones safe and happy :wink:

Im off to scrub again… I personally fall into the high risk category too, and I would like to stick around for a bit longer. They say the numbers are going to explode even more this coming week and I don’t want to be in that count.


Who is credited for saying never let a crisis go to waste? Not sure, but it appears to be a statement many are trying to live by. The Rs and Ds in DC can’t even get a relief package passed as they try to put a side of bacon on everything up there. But I think the main point I’m trying to make is - who can trust anything related to the virus right now, particularly as it relates to pet causes already part of the public debate such as vaping or climate change? If they can somehow associate them they will.


Absolutely! I agree, @SthrnMixer

Kids play in dirt… We vape for not just flavors but to keep us from smoking… to keep us content.

Our gear comes from China/other countries, and should be cleaned even before the first use.
When you are out and about… touching everything… shouldn’t your gear be cleaned too?

Im just saying here… with the news etc… stay safe… that is all of my intentions…


Yeah, whine at me but agree with him. Pffft.


Ya know I :heart: ya Phil… I wouldn’t give you such a hard time if I did not :wink:

now go wash your mod… I got mine :stuck_out_tongue: hehe!!!


Oops, awkward for @SthrnMixer!


Please! 1 22yr old in a city of 7 million that is at the epicenter of COVID-19 gets all the attention from the Mayor because he Vaped? There are some pretty big leaps of assumption in that first link. It doesn’t state what he Vaped. It doesn’t say if he was out partying and exposed to the virus. Yet they want the general public to believe he was more susceptible to the virus because he Vaped? This is nothing more than another SAVE OUR YOUTH hit job on vaping. Another glass half full attempt to Garner to attract voted.


However… if we all use common sense… we will be just fine…
Yes… the article is written from those jaded points of view… but I agree with ya @rcleven… I think the CDC and FEMA has let us all down… I think the news likes to stir us up… but with a touch of common sense… even us “high risk” folks will turn out fine. :slight_smile:

I am just as ticked… but will they listen? No… they live off fear, but soap and water, masks and gloves… and making sure you stay clean will beat any article written…


OK, but when you posted this thread you said…

So which way do you actually feel?