Inawera dilemma

So from what I’ve been reading, Inawera is considered by some to be a little higher quality. I want to try some but not sure what to get. Maybe start with 3 of 4 flavors. I don’t wanna buy a bunch right away since it usually costs a little more. Anyone have a suggestion for a handful of flavors to start with? I’m not really into tobacco flavors, but not against giving one a shot. Thanks!

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Spill it @Josephine_van_Rijn! I’ll follow your lead!

Damn it Jim, I have 16 flavours in the mail and will get another 4 for my birthday that will make the total Inawera flavour count a well rounded 50 flavours. I can’t choose!!! Most of them are tobacco.

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French pipe and Vanilla for pipe are very nice flavours that people who are not really tobacco fans would probably like. The cognac is very good and so is the rum. Peach is also very nice.
Now you spill it Jim!

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I can’t help on which ones to get, but I can for prices. If you’re wanting the tino d’milano or shisha flavors, go with BCV. If you want the others, order from Vaperstek. The price winds up working out in the end because you’ll use less of them. Much like with FA flavors. Hope that helps. :smile:

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There dragon fruit is a winner

Depending on where you are to go straight to, they are much cheaper. You get 15% discount with your first order.

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Yeah, what those three ^^^^^ said! ; )

I’ll study on this and throw out a few later. Unfortunately work is cramping my style at the moment! Damnit!

Thanks for the help so far. Pretty sure I’m gonna at least get peach, pineapple, and cactus. I have no idea what cactus would taste like. It sounds like a terrible idea for a flavor, so i’m guessing its gotta be good since they have the balls to make it.

Rum does sound good…maybe mix it with their cola flavor. Anyone try their cola?

Biscuit sounds like it could be winner as well.

I’m at the house now, but being distracted with building a new atty. That is a good start for sure; gonna do a count down of INW that I have and post a “for now” list that might work.

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Shisha Strawberry, Sex On The Beach, Banana is good. Peach is good. TDM Apple is good. Cappuchino and Coffee are both ok.

Okie dokie! Here are a few INW flavors I would recommend:
Rum (not Jamaican, just plain Rum)
Spicy Biscuit
And if you’re gonna try a tobacco, go for the French Pipe or Vanilla for Pipe.

Every time I purchase from BCV or anyone that sells Inawera, more types go in the basket; they are top notch.


Looks good to me. Can’t wait to get some of those. So Jim do you tend to make single flavor recipes with INW or do you like to mix it up?

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Yeah, mix it up. The one and only single flavor mix I make is Inawera Am4a (tobacco). Great pipe tobacco flavor, standalone.

I have these and they all very low percentage and better than average quality. One of the smartest moves I made was to start ordering INW flavors. These make mixing a whole lot easier. @Jimk know where to find the good stuff.

1% Amaretto (INAWERA)
1% Biscuit (INAWERA)
1% Cherry (INAWERA)
1% Chocolate (INAWERA)
1% Coconut (INAWERA)
1% Dark Tobacco (INAWERA)
1% Dragon Fruit (INAWERA)
1% Exotic Fruits (INAWERA)
1% Fruit Mix (INAWERA)
1% Gold Ducat (INAWERA)
1% Hazelnut (INAWERA)
1% Honey (INAWERA)
1% Jamaican Rum (INAWERA)
1% Little Space Drops (INAWERA)
1% Marzipan YC (INAWERA)
1% Nangka WG (INAWERA)
1% Nugat (INAWERA)
1% Nutty Princess (INAWERA)
1% Peach (INAWERA)
1% Pear (INAWERA)
1% Pineapple (INAWERA)
1% Raspberry (INAWERA)
1% Salty Peanut (INAWERA)
1% Shisha Bilberry (INAWERA)
1% Shisha cinnamon (INAWERA)
1% Shisha Strawberry (INAWERA)
1% Spicey Biscuit (INAWERA)
1% Sunset Virginia TDM (INAWERA)
1% Tiramisu (INAWERA)
1% Tobacco C (INAWERA)
1% Virginia Tobacco (INAWERA)
1% Wild Strawberry (INAWERA)
1% Wisnia Cherry (INAWERA)


Hi ffrank INW does cost a lil more but way worth it. I have a few cactus is just odd. It smells good it’s does not taste like something I’d typically vape. It isn’t bad so heck go for it you’ll probably love it !

Shisha strawberry I really love it’s great 3-7% I’ve used it at.

Shisha punch is a very interesting clove, gingerbread, biscoff cardamom like Indian spice like ( difficult to explain ) definitely not punch tropical

Wild strawberry I have it’s crazy concentrated But very good ripe strawberry.

I want a few more myself !
Oh and biscuit- get it 1-2% delish and versitile I put it where pie crust goes or swap a cookie for it. Or just add another layer to a creamy bakery. It’s good !


It’s funny how Americans see INA as a higher end flavourings. We, Europeans and Russians see it as a cheap shit (:


I like the low concentrations and they blend well with other flavors. Can you lead me to the good stuff. I can’t find reviews on Molinberry. I’m just starting to try Hangsen and German Flavors, but I can’t find much info on those either. Just point me in the right direction cause I have 19 more INW in my cart right now about to pull the trigger.

It is a sweet, sour fruity taste, mostly resembling pear mixed with Aloe Vera, supposed to be very nice mixed with banana, but I’m sure it would mix well with a lot of other fruits.


There is some commentary there from Aux too!