Hey guys, since @TorturedZen has a MONUMENTAL TASK in front of him, trying to keep OUR ELR Flavor Database accurate, how about this. If you DO make an incorrect entry, or DISCOVER you have, drop a line here, with the link (URL) to the incorrect flavor, maybe help everyone out ?
I just screwed up. YES, that’s RIGHT. Running through my Sobucky Flavor Tests, and I INCORRECTLY added the flavor as Cheesecake IN Graham, but it is actually Cheesecake ON Graham.
Either or…Since the Recipe side is so mucj bigger than the forum im not sure the thread will matter except to the ones that post here frequently. Most these people know to PM either TZ or @Sprkslfly …The thread is fine since there isnt one like it that I know of .
Any ideas that help keep the naming conventions accurate are good IMHO. I do have to agree with @fidalgo_vapes though. My sense is the number of forum users vs recipe side users is way dis-proportionate, so many on that side will be blissfully unaware of the “campaign”. And I hesitate to point out that it IS getting better, because as soon as I do we’ll have another wave of new mixers fucking shit up again! lol
The recipe calculator is tied to the flavors database. Until both are given an overhaul and a proper fix is applied your best bet (usually) is to go with a flavor that shows the most number of recipes for it.
In your example, the first Waffle Dough has 13 recipes showing and 99 private recipes. The second one only has 4 recipes and 2 private. Going further, (Sasami) is the preferred brand for spelling as opposed to (SSM).
I just wanna say that my heart goes out to who ever is in charge of the flavor corrections! (I think that’s @TorturedZen if I’m understanding correctly). I just went to look at new recipes, I clicked on the newest ones and just cringed. I know my flavor list isn’t perfect, but I tried to always pick the option with the highest number after it, not create a random entry. There was one recipe listed that for a minute, I honestly thought it was some new exotic flavor “cheesecaketfa”
The recipe calculator, in its current state, is in dire need of an overhaul which would prevent users from entering their own flavor names. In the meantime the database continues to record junk filenames which can only be corrected by a few key people (myself not included sadly). And that’s only if or when the spirit moves them to do so, which isn’t too often. Thanx for the mention tho. I appreciate it.
Can’t @daath give a couple of us access to correcting flavors? This was a subject I spoke to Lars about a couple years ago.
I’m more than willing, to correct the flavors when either:
A: get locked (I.E. No more custom flavor names)
B: allow custom flavors but only on private recipes.
Believe me I’ve been pushing that idea for a few years also… but Lars is hesitant for some reason. I have also submitted countless duplicate names for a database “merge” with the correct versions , but they just sit there. No explanation.