Info for DNA series and parallel

Looking for a site that show which mods are series or parallel for DNA boards.
I figure i can assume all 3 cells and anything that goes over 200 watt are series and 2 cells or 75 boards are parallel mostly.
I’ve looked at number of sites that have tons of info but never battery config.
but I would love to know a site that gives this info,

Basically I want a 2 cell DNA mod in parallel but I dont vape high watts at all like 25 watt max usually. but considering a drone or triade squonker so I can still have 2 cells but not sure if they all run series since 1 bat is replace with a squonk bottle

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That would be nice to find that info all in one place, and then if we did they also have them subcategored by chip (board) type. Check this site and see if they have a list.


A quick look at the site and I didn’t see anything, sorry. BTW my first evolve product was the Kick.


no problem, really what I want to know is if regulated mods step down voltage at low watts when in series and how that impacts battery life, apparently its really inefficient.
so much mis-information about batterys guess ill ask the guys at openPV on reddit they know their shit if you ever have a tech question. they build their own mods from scratch

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Yes. They do.
Battery life should be extended (not increased) because there’s less drain (or load being put on the batteries).

Think of it like a water faucet.
Water pressure is basically a constant from the source, until enough faucets are opened to match (or exceed) the source’s supply pressure.

As long as the load being applied isn’t taxing the batteries (to any notable degree), then the “pressure” is still higher at the batteries, than what’s being expended. Thus they should retain their charge longer.

From the sounds of it though, I think what you’re trying to ask, is how battery life compares between mods operating in series, vs those operating in parallel. (Correct me if I’m wrong)

That’s going to vary by board efficiency, as well as firmware (which many are using their own custom tweaked firmware), so things are still going to vary quite a bit I would expect.

Not having had much exposure to the varying DNA mods (and multiple board revisions within each line), much less the series vs parallel options within the offerings, I can’t honestly be much more specific sadly.

The best thing I is suggest would be to query those users who own both types, but have used empirical testing (eg: the same set of 25r5’s, or 30Q’s, or VTC5a’s, etc) mod vs mod. Meaning someone interested enough [like myself, but with the resources to accommodate/facilitate doing it] to put in the time and effort to give you a definitive answer.

DJLsb might be a good person to shoot this question to. As would Mooch.

Anything else, is just an anecdotal answer.
Which may work just as well. All depends on where you are coming from. :wink:


I was actually going ask mooch on youtube or VU. I’m watching a video of his to see if he answers the question first though. And yes I was asking if battery last longer in parallel vs series same setup at low wattage like 20 - 40. watts since there is more voltage being drained than I will use in series probably. I was told the regulator will try to step down voltage and it can have a pretty big impact on efficiency.

Thanks for the reply.
and what setup do you use if you don’t mind me asking?

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Probably the Sprkmod 11.73 limited or something similar


$10 says the next post mentions cylon

Edit : it may change now lol


Yes and no.
As long as the boards are factory, then a given line (or run of a pcb board) should contain the same components (say 75c to 75c, or 250 to 250). Since parts are usually batch ordered for production runs. However, in preparation for the next run, components can always be sourced from a new vendor.

However, given the voltage and current requirements are going to be substantially different between a 75c or 250c, a different regulator would be expected, as well as required. So you really can’t compare the two (as it’s apples to oranges).

It should be within close proximity to compare a 250c parallel vs 250c series though. Though even then, the circuit topology (in the regulator section) is quite conceivably different, as once again, you’ve got a bit of a different application specific intent in mind. And I would imagine that’s why they make the two variants.
But again, this is theoretically speaking, from an electronics application standpoint. As I’m not privy to, nor familiar enough with their designs, as well as not having access to any kind of schematics (of course).

Actually, the more I think about it, the only real solution would be to drop the question in a private email to Evolv! (Again, my subjective analysis is at best supposition, and familiarity with knowing how to “do the same thing” in different ways electronically speaking, each with different trade offs.)

I prefer the Smoant Cylon. Which is a series setup (using dual 18650’s).

I originally used 25r5’s for the first year (as well as in a DNA VT133). BUT when I switched to the 30Q’s, my battery life was extended (noticeably so). Primarily because I typically use a regulated mod between 30-45w.

So IMO, the battery chemistry, and design (targeted application) has as big a role in things as the regulator.


That’s actually coming! (though the revision number is still in question!) =P

Seriously though, I have plans to make a Smoant powered squonk since those guys have been slacking in that dept! :laughing:


Fuck off eh. LMFAO
(you know me TOO well…) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Make me go back into PayPal will you… :wink:


Now you gotta use 11.73 (or something similar)


I think that probably why no 250c parallel boards seem to exist. to fire over 200 watts it has to be series. no other way to get the voltage or amperage required. So I might be stuck with a 1 battery mod unless I go series too or find a bigger battery mod or forget the squonk altogether
my life is so hard

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well, it’s either voltage or amperage. in series voltage goes up, in parallel amperage goes up (or i’m confused)


lol now im confused

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but I know now its series to fire over 200 or so so whatever dont think any parallel can. maybe if you had enough batteries?

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a good board can boost the voltage. so if you have batteries in parallel, the default low voltage can be boosted. If you have batteries in series, you will have the higher voltage, but your amperage will be that of a single battery and you can’t really boost that one :slight_smile:

On the other hand I see @Sprkslfly answering and he knows much more than me on this subject


No no. You should be good…

In series, the voltage adds (4.2v + 4.2v = 8.4v)
But the mAh stays at whatever the max is for a single battery (say 3000mAh)

In parallel, the mAh adds (3000mAh + 3000mAh = 6000mAh), but the max voltage remains 4.2v (same as the highest single battery).


This is why most 3 battery mods use a series-parallel circuit. Trying to maintain an even keel between enough power to do the job, yet still retain some semblance of longevity. :wink:


You can stop that shit right here… lol
You may well say something in a better way than I just as easily. :wink: