Introduction Holly

@RicklePick wow thanks so much for all the information. Great to have experience of reliable uk sites for ordering. I have received a Biscuit Boss Ice cream concentrate from the Alchemist cupboard. They also helped with another enquiry and were very good.
To be honest I have a horrid feeling all the 9 bottles I have steeping arent going to be any good! They dont smell up to much apart from the 3 one shots! Its knowing the percentage of each flavour to use which I am finding difficult as there is such variation. I am looking at recipes on here for guidance and will ask in the beginners part when am ready.
Thanks for such a great reply. Cornwall is wonderful and I’ve lived here all my 50(almost!) Years. The rain is the only downside!! Have a good day and thanks a lot.


Testing your recipes will be harder for you with only a pod device.

There are some solid MTL users/mixers here, and they mix just fine.


@big_vape that gives me some comfort that there are some mtl mixers on here. I was worried I was the only one who didnt drip!!! Just spent 2 hours this afternoon making some mixes and managed to knock over my tfa vanilla bean ice cream concentrate bottle and spilled almost all of the 30ml. Not happy.


Custard and creams need a longer steep than fruits so I wouldn’t be too worried about smell or taste just yet.


@Letitia thank you. I had planned on giving everything I’ve made about a month steep! The Flavour Boss Biscuit eater recommends 5 weeks so I’ll keep to that. Hopefully a strawberry ice I made might only need 2 weeks.

I am struggling to work out how to search for a recipe containing a certain flavour on here. For example Capella New York Cheesecake? I was wondering what percentage to add some vanilla flavour to it for etc. I guess it takes practice on here as well :grin:


You will honestly find all that you need to know about anything ‘vape’ , here on eLR.
All the info is here, you will just need to put in the time to find it, because this place is ‘full of it’.
There are many folks on here that are still patient with others and willing to help, being civil,
despite the now wacko world. You can/will find yourself a sincere part of a caring ‘family’.
Welcome, and I pray you find it warm and cozy on your eLR sojourn.


Click on Resources then Flavor List which will take you here:

Search for the flavour you require then select Recipes at the bottom of the page. There’s other helpful stuff there as well like people’s notes and average mixing %s


@ozo thats kind of you thanks. I am just trying to get to grips with the site. Have found there is so much information and a lot of different areas to browse through.

Gotta say every person I have had contact with in the vaping community, from the small local vape shop to larger ones in Plymouth and then online sellers, every person has been patient and taken the time to explain everything. Guidance on flavours and brands with premixed had been amazing. It just helped so much starting out 6 months ago when I hadn’t ever entered a vape shop. Ohms and wattage hadnt entered my vocab since school physics! Thanks all.


@Max_Flavour cheers so much. I knew I had previously got to that page but couldn’t remember how! I am sure in time this will be as easy as mixing!! :laughing:


@Cornish_Holly P.S. As you gather your tools for DIY e-juice …
I strongly suggest you check into using a weight scale for measuring.
I saw you already spilled a bottle, maybe because you were trying to
‘poke it’ with a syringe [place your bottle in a beaker or shot glass or
similar to help hold it upright], way less chance of spilling when you drip/drop/squirt
into your mixing vessel, if that makes sense. Also check out magnetic mixing.
Cheers and happy creating.


@ozo excellent advice with putting the bottle into something to steady it thanks. I have been using digital scales but it was getting the liquid out of the bottle to weigh it for which I used a syringe. Didnt know what else to use! They are all 30ml concentrate without any nibs on the bottle top. Cheers.


Hey Ozo, good to see you again brother!


Have you input your flavors into the “my flavors stash” on the recipe side? Once properly listed, you can hit “what can I make” and get some options for the flavors you currently have. You can then also click on any of your flavors and see what others generally mix at to get a general idea. There will be some trial and error depending on other flavors in your mix or personal tastes, but you’ll get a general idea of where to start.


@Lostmarbles thank u yes I’ve added flavours to the flavour stash part. Clicking on each flavour to see what others have made with it is a new discovery for me so thanks!
Can I please just ask advice on which cream people would recommend buying as a first cream flavour? I already have some vanilla concentrate… vanilla swirl, vanilla bean ice cream (tfa), shisha vanilla inerwa, Capella v1 vanilla custard, Capella new york cheesecake and also tfa graham’s crust! As you can no doubt figure out I tend to go for vanilla Biscuit, vanilla creamy flavours cheesecake or creamy custards etc. But is there one cream that standouts for the mixes I lean towards? Bavarian cream gets listed often in recipes and a sweet cream too. Erm marshmallow seems to appear often also… I think another order might be on the horizon!


Welcome to the community! It’s definitely a learning curve but there are many years of knowledge and experience here to help you. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and you can also use the search bar at the top to search topics.


@Lynda_Marie cheers for the welcome. Love your dog avatar. I seem to have chopped half my dog’s head off on mine :upside_down_face:


Cornish, but of course! Devon isn’t too bad either :rofl: Lol, @Cornish_Holly and welcome to ELR. It takes awhile to navigate your way around but just shout and someone will be along to help. I’m glad you joined us and happy mixing on your new journey with us.


@muth :rofl::rofl: had a feeling cornish might appear after I’d written the post out!! Very quick! Thanks.


I am a fan of vanilla, creams, custards, biscuit and the likes, myself. Sobucky Super Aromas (SSA) makes very good creams and Nom Nomz makes a Devon Cream that I enjoy, as well. Recently, we have discovered a new vanilla cream cookie filling that is heavenly. It’s made by a company called Sterling Cloud, also sold at a company called Apex and can be bought on Amazon. We have a resident flavor tester here named @SessionDrummer and you can follow his taste tests and reviews here on the forum. Look through the topics section and you will find them. And, of course, you’ll have the tasting experiences of many members here with years of experience both in and out of the professional realm.


looks like you got some decent ones to start. I personally love Lorann’s Bavarian Cream and Liquid Barns Vanilla Ice Cream. TFA VBIC is good and I don’t get the pepper tastes that some do, but the LB VIC is a bit lighter and creamier IMO. Depends on what your looking for in your base.
There are probably tons of others, but I stopped buying the latest and greatest that come out. I have far too many flavors that I don’t use and just stick to some basic flavors now.
You’ll have your days in the rabbit hole too. We all have. :rofl: