Thank you for the cream advice. I’ll have a good read before buying any.
I think I entered the rabbit hole last week!
Welcome to the forum and glad you found us. You’ve gotten some good advice and these folks here know what they are talking about. They were so helpful when I started my DIY journey. Be prepared to make some delicious juice and some that taste like dog sh*t. People here reminded me that mistakes are learning experiences and should be expected. Learning what doesn’t work is just as important as learning what works…for YOU. Gotta say that DIY’ing is more fun than buying pre-made juice and WAY cheaper. Plus you get to customize the mixes to your personal preference.
Remember to have fun on your mixing journey.
I expect marketing commissions
Some of my favourite creams & biscuity flavours atm are - ssa ice cream vanilla-ssa whipped cream-cnv sweet cream-cap smooth custard-tfa meringue-ssa shortbread cookie-ssa crumbly cookie-cap cookie crumble-cnv cookie-inw biscuit-cap silverline biscuit-fa cookie-ssa cheesecake on graham-cap cereal27.
When searching for recipes check the vg/pg ratio they use, if its 70/30 it was most likely designed for an rda & may not work so well in a pod?
Remember to keep your recipes simple aswell, these 8-12 ingredient recipes dont usually translate well to mtl pods. I try to keep it to 4-5 ingredients max for pod recipes, +sweetener. Super sweet works wonders for really bringing out that flavour, i recommend purilum super sweet over caps all day.
Whats up with darkstar anyway sending out concentrates in non-dripper bottles? I would recommend using nomnomz in the future, cheaper,faster & just overall better, use code ‘noted15’ for 15% off your entire order at nomnomz, code ‘AAFL’ also gets you 15% off at nomz incase one code gets stopped for whatever reason. SSA concentrates are only £1.29 for a 10ml aswell for the most part, i highly recommend ssa for new mixers because most of their flavours are good, they’re cheaper & being a lot stronger than most other brands you get a lot more for your money. When you see a flavour you like the sound of cross check the notes on elr to see what people are saying about it (from the e-liquid-recipes main calculator side not this forum side), just click ‘user’ then go down to ‘flavor list’ to search for the flavour.
Do you like a egg style custard or a pudding style @Cornish_Holly
I prefer eggy style and highly recommend CAP Vanilla Custard V1 which you have already, mixed with INW Custard which is even more eggy.
Cream wise, I still use old school TFA and/or FW Bavarian Cream, TFA Sweet Cream and FA Custard Premium which is a pudding like custard that works as more of a cream for me. Marshmallow, both FA and CAP I use often and also FA Meringue.
I am beginning to think that I should have bought a bigger notebook cos have tons of advice jotted down now!!
I cant thank everyone enough for their input, time and advice people have given me. I am so glad I’ve joined this forum and getting to know people and their favorite recipes etc.
I have started mixing some and have for now stuck to single flavours and 2 flavours only. I used percentages based on reading the reviews of flavours because people often write what they make up with the co concentrate.
I had initially wondered about changing to sub ohm but its early days and i like the draw and inhale in mouth of mtl.
I hadnt even heard of Ssa before now so another suggestion taken note of!! Thanks so much.
With the custards preference I can’t really answer that one yet because I’ve yet to buy a premixed nic salt custard that appealed! LegioX came nearest for my favorite taste really it was creamy. I have a terrible sweet tooth!
And I haven’t ever received a concentrate with a dripper top to it hence using needles and spillages! I shall take a look at that nomnomz thingy website.
Thanks so much everyone
Hello @Cornish_Holly and welcome to ELR. I’ve seen pictures of Cornwall and would love to live there!
I use all types of vaping methods, MTL-DTL, dripping…and I’ve never had much of a problem with recipes. I’ll use a pod once in awhile but I think I can help out where you might need it. Just give a shout.
@muth thanks for the welcome. Yeah Cornwall is very scenic! Very rural and friendly people too. Just wish we had a tad less rain!
To be honest i am having a bit of a disaster with my diy beginning! I have poured more down the sink than I have vaped. But I am learning as I go along. Coming straight from commercial juices I realise how much concentrate percentages they must use and the volume of sweetener is an eye opener too! I have made a nice strawberry ice ( version 4!!) So am pleased to have one I liked. Felt quite chuffed at the time!! Unfortunately i can’t stand coconut and only taste that in the graham’s crust and also Inawera biscuit! So am trying various others and having to wait a few weeks now for steeping.
I would like to get a better vape kit in the future. Currently using 50/50 liquids in a oxva pod device. I wouldn’t manage with rta or rda because I have a neurological degenerative disease which is affecting my finger dexterity. But i wondered if a vape kit with a tank and different coils would increase the flavours.
Thanks anyway for your reply. Sorry I went on a bit!
You don’t know Doc Martin do you?
Watching that fantastic series has made me want to visit although my guess is it’s beautiful in the summer but not quite so picturesque in the winter.
@Gazza7 Ive actually bumped into Martin Clunes before but only by chance because he was down here filming for Doc Martin and was in an area I happened to be that day when he was day off! He is very tall!!
Hi Holly…sorry to hear about the dexterity issue. I can relate just a bit due to problems with my thumb joints.
Pods are known for being pretty darn flavorful so I wouldn’t conclude that it’s the pod’s fault. And since PG is the flavor carrier, a 50/50 blend with the right amount of sweetener should suffice.
The best way to analyze a flavor problem is to post your recipe so we can take a look and possibly suggest some adjustments for you. Cheers
@muth thank you. Unfortunately my condition is progressive so finger use will only get worse hence making my own coils and decking would be a disaster again! My recipes I tried some basic stand alone with a tfa vanilla bean ice cream and it was very harsh and made me retch! I have since changed things and making up liquids with only 4mg nic salt strength and this is much better . I also can’t use the vbic I chose, every recipe containing that which I made went down the drain because it gave me that awful peppery taste. I love the commercial juice Vanilla by Element and was hoping to have something lovely like that. I’ve now got steeping some basic 2 or 3 flavour mixes like vanilla swirl with bavarian cream, a shisha vanilla with vanilla swirl and cream etc just to determine which vanilla concentrates are my tastes. The biscuit concentrate am struggling with due to not liking any coconut or cinamon so I contacted Darkstar for advice and their cookie flavour ( Dark Arts) is butter and shortbread flavours so I’ll order that when I do another order. I prefer bakery flavours and vanilla based so not an avid fruit fan apart from some strawberry!
To be honest the one shot Cerberus custard I made up came up lovely and full of flavour so the pod device isnt totally useless!
Am reading loads and e liquid/ vaping/ flavours and devices etc seems to have become a hobby I really enjoy reading and learning about. Just wish my brews were better but I wont give up yet! Many thanks . Everyone is so helpful here which is apparent reading through various posts.
It takes time my dear so be patient, you have the right attitude. I’m happy you got a few good mixes to suit your tastes.
@Gazza7 LOVED that series. Maybe one of the best I have ever seen. Although Portwenn doesn’t exist, Port Isaac sure does. I wonder how life really is in Cornwall.
If I’m not mistaken @Lucas_James_Holden lives there. And I tagged him because I haven’t seen him in ages and am wondering ???
@SessionDrummer I’d like to think we aren’t quite as dense as the series portrays! although based on my mixes that’s debatable
. Its very sort of slow going down here in Cornwall, is a way to describe it. No one is in a hurry to do anything or go anywhere etc! And about a decade behind London in regards to everything! I have visited Cape Cod and the coastline and scenery is very similar to the North Coast of Cornwall. And no matter how late you are running for an appointment… a tractor will always be on the road in front of u!!