Joyetech Cuboid

Thanks for the reply.
I don’t do super sub ohm builds and have rarely found myself at 100w on any device, so I haven’t felt the need to do so, UNLESS a firmware update would add new features that I might enjoy.

i go deep…always
i am vaping around 0.08-0.06 ohms, ~500F and around 110-140w…
i have this unit outfitted with an Aromamizer with a 0.8ohm Ti build.
unit set at 500F and 140w
thats where i need it to be

fresh batteries, several resets and tank removals later…
this thing will NOT stay in TC. also, i tried to turn it up and vape it, but it will only go up to 75w, no higher. before i changed the batteries, it would only go up to 68.8w.
yeah, this thing is acting really goofy.

another update, lol: its almost comical to me, now…
(i’m not one of those irate, livid people…it all works out in the end. if it hasnt worked out, it isnt the end…:slight_smile: )
anyway, UPDATE: i took that Aromamizer off and put a Cthulhu v2 with a Ti build on the mod and everything worked perfect…TC perfect just like always…
so maybe its the tank, i dont know…but its breakfast time, so i’ll mess with it later again…
please dont anyone get discouraged from my posts, this thing has been working very well in TC…i still would recommend this mod!

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Actually that may make sense it does it to me with the aromamizer too on the evic mini i may have to put SS in my goblin mini now and give it a try. Thx for the follow up on that!

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That is if i can get that f?&$/" thing open XD

well, i took the Cthulhu off and put the Aromamizer back on, locked in the ohms, and its functioning properly again…so, of course, emailing Joyetech is put on the back burner…i’ll get to it later!

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I’ve had issues somewhat similar with other devices and tanks, that resulted in me snuggling the center pin on my atomizer just a fraction more, and then everything working fine there after.

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its back to acting funny again…i put the Aromammizer back on and it worked fine for 15 minutes, then ixnay…
this time, though, i put a tank on that had a SS build, one that works for sure, and it would only go up ti 62.5w…i tried tricking it by taking the tank off, raising the watts to 140, then putting the tank back on and firing, but it immediately went back to 62.5w…
something is definitely scwewy wit dis…

I’m hoping this isn’t “a thing” with these mods. I really like my mini and was hoping to go with this mod for the battery life. :pensive:

I’m assuming it’s firmware related…I’m almost curious if he’s able to go back to the previous version

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I’m pretty sure you can choose what update you wish to have loaded on that mod.

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Ive pondered it…I will probably give it a shot inafew, got my hands full at the moment, though

In regards to the button firing under its own weight issue I reported earlier in this thread, I received a reply to me email to joyetech:

"Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for your love on our products.

The issue you feedback we already noticed it. Once it fires automatically for 10 seconds then the unit will start auto-protection and shut off.

Anyway we will care more about our product design and try to make it perfect.

Best regards,

June He


VapeNW has them for $39.99 plus $5 shipping currently.


Loving my cuboid, haven’t put it down sinse i got it.
Basically it’s the big brither of the e vic mini.
I’ll see how it fairs over the next few days and check back in. But as of now, very happy vaper. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::dash::dash::dash:


The battery life is perfect! Lasts all day long.

I’ve just done the update to 200w I’ll see if that makes any difference.

update on my cuboid:
the first coupla days it worked great…then was having problems, like it wouldnt stay in TC and in power mode it wouldnt go higher than 68.8w…then it would constantly say battery low even with fresh charged batteries…
and now thats all it does…battery low, no matter what i do…so its dead in the water…
ive emailed myvaporstore. waiting response…

I’ll be interested to see how they handle this issue. Keep us informed please! :+1:

Yes sir…as far as I’m concerned, theres only one way to handle it! If that isn’t done, everyone will hear about it!

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