How are you guys keeping track of your E-liquid batches?
I usually just use notes on my phone to mark down:
Date made:
Date to test:
Ideal Steep Time:
How are you guys keeping track of your E-liquid batches?
I usually just use notes on my phone to mark down:
Date made:
Date to test:
Ideal Steep Time:
On the bottle with a paint pen I write the name and date made. This corresponds to my files saved in name+date format on my computer. Ex…custard tpa 5/22/2016.
Every time I remake a recpie I save it as a new recpie with a new date and flavor tasting notes from the last mix is saved in the new tea field.
When I have an approved recipie it goes to the approve mf folder and all the previous versions go to another folder named dead recpies. And yes I do occasionally go back to dead recpies.
I do love the calculator that I use. Ejuicemeup
Looking at the screen shot. If you are going for something to “look at a glance” it should be good.
When I reference I like double checks. One double check is size made 15ml, 30ml ect.
The other part that may be nice, again if it’s an at a glance… Top two or three flavors. Sometimes I try a new flavor in my mix so I want to know its “shisha” strawBase because I added shisha strawberry to the mix…so I know to look for something new.
Ex. Shisha strawBase, 15ml, shishaStrawINW/freshCream/marshmallow. Maybe even with the percents.
Thanks, Im looking to make just a real basic “note” type app just to keep track of batches mainly.
Batch Size:
Date Made:
Steep Time:
Extra Info:
Type of Bottle:
Suggestions welcome!
the mixing notes that I keep on my computer and the date made on the label I put on it. Depending on the type of vape tells me how often to test and how long I steep it
I write name, date, strength, and PG/VG ratio on the bottle. I keep track of the recipe, date, notes, etc. in a spreadsheet. When it is finished I copy my weekly notes to the recipe on ELR.
I keep notes on my recipes on the Recipe itself on ELR, in the notes section.
After the recipe is complete and I’m happy with results, I then make the recipe public and remove my testing notes, just leaving pertinent information.
Always label my bottles with Name, Birthdate, Nic strength, pg/vg ratio.
You guys do keep a hard copy of all your recipes too don’t you? God forbid there be a problem with the servers or something and you not be able to get to any of them
Goes to amazon to purchase a notepad
Very nice job there
I do keep on label and in every juice me up Calc
And my recipies are stored / backee up on ELR also
I’m old, I keep everything in a notebook.
On the bottles I only record name, date & nicotine content.
Every rendition every new recipe gets printed on GET THIS paper I have way too much luck with shit like that not to. Took me 4 hours to get my actual food recipes off of a computer three computers ago. Since then all juice, food or beverage recipes are on hard copy. Oh yeah @Grubby grab one for wifey she wants one too. lmao
But when power is out I can still mix if the need arises. eh
I do have my favorites in app in phone I use it sometimes
I only have phone and tablet I cut off pc Internet
I can do all I need from phone now
APP liquix2.0 paid like $2 is very nice app
I’m young… Lol! And that’s exactly how I do it too. A full page for each mix so there’s room for all my notes and info. Then the label on the bottle gets the name, date, and strength.
I keep track of mine in the label I make for each bottle. Name, VG/PG ratio, NIC, date made.
Yo Booze baby you around?
Sho am! Lol
Take a look at my post in the pub from about 2 minutes ago and splain it to me iffn you can. The thing is like two or three flavors off and I don’t know who how where or when