Kylin M? Anyone? Bueller?

I’m still waiting for my Kylin M to arrive.
It is going to be interesting comparing to the Profile, Profile Unity and the Doom
It will be fun though.


Definitely interested in what you think, they all have there pros and cons but there all actually pretty good.


I am looking forward to comparing them, as I noticed quite a few negative reviews regarding poor flavour from the Kylin M on the web, however it could also be that the reviewer is not conversant with mesh tanks and/or RDA’s.


I have a friend who called it the worst POS ever in his review. Got into it with another reviewer who called out reviewers including another friend of mine who liked it as schills. He told me the Kylin M is easy to wick, just puts out terrible flavor. The truth is it is not easy to wick “Right” a bad wick makes it a horrible tank, once you get it right though it is a night and day difference. I told that reviewer that I had no problem with him hating it, I just had a problem with him calling out others for an opposing opinion, the arrogant prick. I didn’t even review the Kylin M, I just bought one and after 4 builds finally got it working great and bought a second.


Yeah, that kind of blanket bashing of any human who deigns to have opposing viewpoint would make me a leetle beet bloody insane. lol Sounds like you were pretty darned restrained, under the circumstances.


It is rare that I will get into it with someone on the net, just not worth it in most cases. Respect is one thing that gets me going though, it is OK to disagree but do it with respect. I have differing opinions with my friends who review at times but we show a mutual respect, everyone has preferences and there is nothing wrong with that. This guy called out 4 to 6 reviewers who gave it a positive review and said there wrong, he was right. He also basically copied and pasted my friends review who ripped it and said because he hates it everyone should, at least that is what I read into it.

It was on reddit, a snakes den for sure but people were downvoting his comments so I was not alone. Stand on your own reviews, don’t try and stand on the shoulders of others to prop your self up. This guy is probably trying to get a name for himself but just came off as a jerk.


As usual, time will tell.
Personally I really like the mesh RDA’s and RTA’s that I have, and am looking forward to playing with the Kylin M.


Good luck! Hope you adore it as much as we do! But I agree 1000% with @mjag… if you wick it and its not neck and neck flavor with dripping on a Profile, maybe just a teech less, than you did it wrong… or at least could do it better. Same goes with dry hits and spitting. But when you get it right, awesome!


@OddModicum No pressure then? :grinning:


roflmao… I swear, I was NOT trying to give you anxiety about it! Rereading what I wrote, it came out a hell of a lot more militant than my intention! sorry, man! Have fun with it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Hell no @OddModicum, absolutely no pressure felt this side, just my strange sense of humour, and certainly no apology required.


Good good. :wink: Hate to be one of those yahoos who takes the fun out of something, making it all about 'do it right! do it now!" rofl

@mjag I did it! Remembered the perfect wick for the Kylin M, and haven’t had a single dry hit or hot spit back on either of mine in 2 days. Turns out for me, the perfect amount of wick is exactly the width of the Sally Beauty Rayon or cotton… that ropey version that comes out of the box? Chunk of that straight out of the box, and its perfect, though sides need to be thinned of about 3/4 rayon/cotton volume, while leaving full volume of wick under the mesh strip, itself. YAY! Dayum…these are great tanks!


Woot! Have to say, in 9+ years,the Kylin M is the first tank/FDA I’ve had that keeps getting better. Finally got my Firebolt cotton back in stock, and wicking w 2 of the small size firebolt w OFRF SS mesh, I’m getting the best performance ever… even better than w rayon. Not sure why Firebolt is so different, as I’ve tried a few other cottons in this device, but wow… sense super fluffy clouds for days. And I was thrilled that the so mesh worked great w temp control, even on my Eleaf Pico Squeeze 2, which is sorta fussy w temp control.

You were right, @mjag… clamping solid edge definitely helps. I swear, had I the funds I’d buy these tanks by the handful to give to every vaper I know.


Haha, that is awesome. I have 2 Kylin M and plan on buying a 3rd in SS to match my sxmini SL mods.

I don’t think I have ever used the Firebolt cotton, might order some up to try.


Firebolt is super cheap on Fasttech. They have 2 varieties, the multi pack with different sizes and the aglets in different colors, and the orig with all small size and the white aglets. Those are the cheaper ones and that’s what I use, 2 of those. They also sell it in packs of a few packages, all for free shipping. I can’t figure out WHY it works so much better than the Bacon and other agleteted cottons I’ve used in the past, because I didn’t like those at all in the Kylin M… but the Firebolt rocks in it. Plus they’re so long, you can get at least 2 builds out of each strand.

Yeah, I’m actually thinking about ordering a 3rd Kylin M myself, once I get a new mod. I really like the vivid blue color one. I REALLY love the SS one… I was sort of off SS since all my gear for years and years was steel. But I stole the SS one I got for my guy, and itsjust very heavy steel, and looks amazing. Its become my fave, esp with the rainbow glass I got from Fasttech… looks super cool.

I think its just me, but I’ve managed to kill 3 bubble glass tanks for the Kylin M so far. lol I ordered a bunch more cheap, so I don’t run out, but something about the way its shaped and me don’t get along. But so long as I have spares, no biggie. :wink:


Cool, just ordered some Firebolt to give it a shot :+1:


So have I :smiley:


@OddModicum I haven’t seen you around lately. I hope everything is good.

It could be, I am not in the same posts as you.