Let's see what tomorrow brings! (CA, state wide flavor ban)

California has become the “land of the label and the list”… I, as well as most residents of this State, have become numbed and immune to it. We do not even see the placards anymore. They are on everything, so become meaningless. everything in my household has one of these Prop 65 lables on it: California’s Proposition 65, also called the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, was enacted in 1986. … As part of the law, the state is required to publish a list of chemicals that are “known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.”

Of course, in California, the most notorious list of all is the so-called “firearms roster list”. In this case the verbal subterfuge, which @Raven-Knightly so eloquently points out in his posts, has to do with the “presumption” that firearms not approved by the Attorney General are not safe to operate, therefore the State of California has a right and duty to “protect its citizens from harm”, and thereby prohibit their sale in the State by exclusion from “the list”…

It would be humorous to sit back and laugh that the California Attorney General, who maintains the list, refused to add to the “roster” the SIG SAUER P320, which has been TESTED AND ABUSED by the most rigorous of military approval trials, its adoption by the U.S. military and countless other military and law enforcement agencies around the world the P320 has been put through some of the most rugged and grueling testing protocols in the history of firearms.

These lists are just “back door ways” of controlling the behavior of citizens.
So the next list is:

Article 5. Unflavored Tobacco
104559.1. (a) The Attorney General shall establish and maintain on the Attorney General’s internet website a list of tobacco product brand styles that lack a characterizing flavor. This list shall be known as the Unflavored Tobacco List.

It is worth noting that what these “lists” quickly lead to is a vigorous underground black market on all things “off list” …


Statist “Behavioral Hygiene Services” are a mandatory system to be docilely praised by deference. After WW1, US and Britain compelled Germany to wage war upon persons using demonized drugs:

the widespread acceptance of notions of racial hygiene and genetic determination in both medical and policing circles made it easy for the state to increasingly marginalize drug consumers as asocial, psychopathic, or genetically deficient. New measures were taken to strengthen the existing policing and social welfare work against addiction. And new groups, such the “Imperial Committee for the Struggle against Drugs” were created to bring the medical, policing, and political experts together in the war against drugs. Starting in 1935, the Nazi government created the “Imperial Center for the Struggle against Drug Crimes” at the Prussian Criminal Police Office in Berlin, which acted as a central information-collecting office for drug crimes from the various district police offices. Drug users faced a number of possible sanctions, from conviction under the Opium Law to findings of mental and legal incompetence resulting in forced internment in a treatment or withdrawal center.

“Germans on Drugs: The Complications of Modernization in Hamburg”; Stephens; pages 16-17:

Under attack within these infantilization/demonization campaigns is the autonomy/agency of competent adults. Vices are not crimes. Diagnoses are not diseases. The “Therapeutic State” is chemical statism. Any mood-altering substance whatsoever motivates their ritualistic pontification/persecution machinery.

The “anti-self-misuse” crowd depends upon regimes of coercive supervision for their egos/livelihoods. Thus, they must invent “moral diseases” to intervene upon and to claim to somehow “treat” and “cure”. The federal law definition of “addict” turns, in part, on declared “endangerments” to the “public morals”. Natural rights to liberty, and to own and control property, are steamrolled by drug controls/prohibitions.


The creepy Orwellian List of Licit and Illicit Sensory Pleasures (likely would be a ham-fisted SNAFU):

State Assembly Bill AB-1625

The Bill History shows that AB-1625 was read for the first time on March 25, 2019, and has been referred to the State Ass-end-ibly Governmental Operations and Judiciary Committees. Referred bills are slotted-into the committee dockets on “first come, first serve” bases. AB-1625 is not yet scheduled to be taken up and considered by either committee until after May 8 and May 14, 2019 (respectively), giving worried consumers some lead-time to “assess their stocks” and plan ahead for possible effects.

As well, the Titanic juggernaut of government tends to change course at stunningly glacial rates. Even in the case of passage, some time may (possibly) exist. I would think that PM and RJR’s lobbyists and attorneys might well become very busy in the process of desperately battling (“by hook or crook”) to exempt all of their deadly combustible-tobacco products and blends from dreaded “flavored” status, leaving small businesses lacking money/influence to flounder/fail, lacking significant legal resources.


These are my Flavors. There are many like them. It is my Life and my Health to keep them. I must master them to keep me off the cancer killing cigarettes. Without my Flavors, I could fall to the deep depths of the cancer killing cigarettes. I must spread the word and educate the ones that think Vaping is bad. So the ones that become behind me will have a alternative to smoking the cancer causing cigarettes. Vaping has saved my Life as it has saved millions, and millions more must know the this fact. Before God I swear this creed.


Nice collection =)


@Mix_and_Hope :+1::+1::+1::+1:


These are my Flavors. There are many like them…
Oh now I get it a little slow today working too much.


yeh,… here’s another one-liner for you to think about a little:

everything in California is ‘flavorless’ and ‘featureless’

get it ? haha… -:grinning:


The Ministry of Aesthetic Rectitude and Conformance (“MARC”) is offering summer internships for HS students in, “biopsychosociality and feng shui - embracing paternalism in the name of social virtues”.


Nope give me a clue :roll_eyes:


“features” is this stuff…


Assault weapons": … “Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder”; … “A semiautomatic shotgun that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine”; … “A grenade launcher or flare launcher”.

Nice of them in Sacramento to kindly omit anti-aircraft rocket-launchers, allowing the citizenry to take the initiative where it comes to keeping the skies safe and free from those pesky delivery drones and such.



haha… ROTFL :rofl: Well, we in California have a list for everything. We are very proud of the completeness of our lists. As a citizen of the state I am very offended to your suggestion that we might have missed anything further to protect me and my fellow serfs.

If you didn’t see what you want first time around maybe you just haven’t consulted the right list. Maybe it’s HERE, or HERE



Holy shit balls bat man! I don’t know how you guys do it. I would run far and fast form a place like that. It’s amazing they actually consider themselves a part of the United States.


Well, there are several reasons I live in San Diego, CA. PRO It’s sunny and 70* most of the time while rest of the country is buried in snow and freezing their butts off. CON we have the sunshine tax everything is expensive here ( don’t get started on gas prices). PRO it’s frigging beautiful here, we have the beach ten minutes away, the desert 30 minutes away and the mountains right next door. So literally if you were so inclined you could surf in the ocean, ski the snow in the mountains and paraglide in one day. Yep that’s my gig the paragliding here is some of the best in the world =) Yes we do put up with a lot of crap, but the reward is worth it.

Oh, I forgot to mention the sunsets off my balcony every day =)


The Beach Boys “Serfin Safari”, and all the “cathedral of serfing” odes will never sound quite the same.

Nukes nevertheless have been kindly omitted. Surely, neutron weapons that exterminate all living things but handily leave land and structures intact for financial re-development exemplify “Californication” ? :thinking:

Perhaps the politically correct recommended public relations route would be to create the “Nicotinarian Church”, and petition our so ostensibly “libertarian” supreme court for humble religious right to inhale marshmallow and caramel fumes from small campfires at weenie-roasts, only in our designated areas.

Nicotine molecule 3-D model (Source: Wikipedia commons)


Leaving California was the best thing I have done in life, Man I cannot beleive I survived in that filthy place. I felt much more free in Iraq! In all honesty, Everyday in California is a miserable day. Especially in SanFrancisco and L.A. As a veteran of the U.S. Navy for 23 years I am now happily living in Texas, I love it here :slight_smile: I am so grateful that I have the freedom in this state that I feel I deserve. I ask myself often, how can anyone live in California? There are a few places that look nice however when you factor in the cost of living I go back to my original question, why?


I have a few ideas, but I’ll keep them to myself.:wink:


Born and raised in Texas and proud of it =)


Checked back on CA SB-38 status. Senate Appropriations Committee hearing took place on April 22, 2019. A “Bill Report” published around that time is available for download here. While the (somewhat informative) “Bill Report” is all “rah-rah”, it appears that the Senate Appropriations Committee voted (6-0) to place the bill in California Legislative “limbo land” - formally referred to as placing in “suspense file” status (see status).


Various information sources about California legislative “suspense file” status:

A bill or set of bills, with a fiscal impact, set aside in Appropriations Committee by a majority of Members present and voting. These bills may be heard at a later hearing.


unique feature of the Appropriations Committee is the Suspense File, to which the committee sends any bill with an annual cost of more than $150,000 (any fund). Suspense File bills are then considered at one hearing after the state budget has been prepared and the committee has a better sense of available revenue. No testimony is presented – author or witness – at the Suspense File hearing.


The clearing of the “suspense file” in the state Senate and Assembly appropriations committees is also one of the more opaque parts of the legislative process. Unlike traditional committee hearings in which members cast a public vote, the Senate and Assembly bills dealt with on Friday will be moved or killed on broad party-line actions. The chairperson in each committee will not announce individual votes, allowing lawmakers to avoid scrutiny for either approving or killing the bills in question.


… the committees - one in each house - are supposed to pull the Legislature’s purse strings, weighing how much a proposal is expected to cost, and comparing bills against one another to establish priorities for spending state tax dollars. Unofficially, the appropriations committee is where bills go to die - especially the ones the ruling party wants to bury with little trace. … As befits a good murder plot, lawmakers target potential victims by placing the bills on what they call the “suspense file.” Then, twice a year, the appropriations committees cull through all these bills, allowing some to proceed to a floor vote but stopping many in their tracks. In other committees, lawmakers publicly vote when they kill a bill, attaching their names and reputations to the decision. But there is no public vote when the appropriations committees snuff out bills on the suspense file.

Source: “The Suspense Files: California bills vanish almost without a trace”:


The relevance of a “companion bill” (of sorts), AB-1625 (Unflavored tobacco list to be compiled and maintained by CA AG), is an ancillary one to potential passage of SB-38. Such a relationship (may) explain why no further legislative activity since March 25, 2019 appears to be shown for it here. How kind of them.


So, for those who have since invested in building networks of underground bunkers and tunnels and superconducting liquid Nitrogen storage facilities guarded around the clock by Nicotinarian Church sharpshooters, you may be able to live above ground for (at least) another legislative season ? The Nanny-State may have been litigiously co-opted by Ginormous Tobacco ? Perhaps a lot more likely than the sponsoring state legislators involved experiencing a spontaneous development of some “constitutional conscience” causing them to eschew the establishment of such an absurd “Tyrannical Taste Police” (lest “the youth be corrupted”). The Cali Ministry of Aesthetic Rectitude and Conformance never sleeps … :thinking: