Liquid Labs (30% FLASH SALE GOING ON NOW!)

@zigz did a good job of dropping a link to 1,3-PDO’s wiki page below. Simply put, it’s a Glycol that’s derived from corn instead of petroleum. If you have any other questions feel free to post up. But a good amount of info can be found by googling “1,3-propanediol”.

If you are hesitant on ordering because you’re unsure of how VaporBase will work for you, I’d suggest ordering one of our free 30ml samples from our site before you commit to a full purchase.

You can make three or four small sample batches to see if you like it. Or just mix up one flavor in that bottle. Whatever you want to do!

Flavors do react differently to our base than typical PG/VG ratios sometimes. That’s why we say it’s best to use VB with new flavors and new lines of liquids instead of changing what’s already working for you. If you’re a simple man that likes simple things, then VaporBase is right up your alley because it was designed to simplify the mixing process while being made from 100% plant materials only.

If you do end up trying it out, I’d love to hear your results. Criticism is welcome, we won’t be offended if you don’t like it.

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For those of us that mix by weight, is the vg gravity of 1.26 ok to use? I have my settings to use manufacturer specified gravity. I know PDO is similar to 1.0597. Or would you recommend I change it to the more generalized 1.0 for closer accuracy mixing purpose?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. We didn’t create VaporBase to replace PG or VG or anything like that. We just wanted to offer a simple alternative for those who are looking for a more natural vape. It’s always good to have options in any industry. Our product may work well for some, or be completely useless to others. But at the end of the day, we want mixologists to have choices and I feel like our product will really help a good amount of vapers who are looking to get into the DIY mixing scene.

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We still need to figure out the exact weight to use. It’s on our list of things to do, but we are slammed with orders at the moment and a couple website bugs. So as soon as we get that figured out we will have our chemist figure out the exact weight of VaporBase so you can mix by weight accurately. It will be posted on our blog and other social media avenues as well as this thread.

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I promise your final formulation won’t be too thin if you add 15% flavoring. It will vape really well. That’s basically what we’re mixing at over here anytime we make new batches of e-juice for ourselves. Although sometimes we’re up in the 20%+ flavor range and it still has a great viscosity once fully mixed.

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May I ask what our system quoted you for shipping costs? We don’t charge anything on top of the actual rates, but we’re not getting very good deals through the carriers right now since our shipping accounts are brand new and we haven’t shipped out a ton of orders as of yet. I really want to bring them down, but if I did that right now we’d be losing money on every order which would eventually run us out of business.

Margins are pretty tight over here… tried to make it as affordable as possible while covering our costs and making a little on top for all the labor involved with sourcing, storing, branding, producing, marketing, and shipping the product while growing the company.


Lol…wasn’t thinking again. I will just shake the sample well and measure 1ml from a syringe and weigh it. Then use that weight. Thank you for all your help answering the multitude of questions :slight_smile:

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Those prices are crazy high for pure PDO, but that’s the reality of where the market is currently at for this product. It’s very hard to source, and costs an arm and a leg unless you buy in major bulk quantities (which we did).

On the Etsy site you linked, you’d pay $31.40 for just over 500ml of PDO. From us, you’d only pay $7.82 for 500ml of VaporBase with no Nic added.

From that Ebay seller based in Estonia, they’re asking $25 for 50ml. We sell 120ml bottles of VaporBase for $3.27 with no Nic added.

Plus, it’s unclear if those products are USP grade. The Etsy page doesn’t mention the quality of their product at all.


VaporBase is a bit more expensive than buying pure PG or VG, but that’s because the Glycol we’re using costs a lot more than pure PG, even in bulk quantities.

If you’re buying 500ml or more of VaporBase, you’re generally going to be in the .01 - .02 cent per ml range all the way up to 24mg Nic. So if you’re making a 30ml bottle with 15% flavoring, you’ll spend about .51 cents on the VaporBase that gets used in that recipe.


Very true.

Hey, I for one would like to thank you for taking so much time to explain the purpose of your product and to answer the questions you have. Much appreciated.


Exactly, i havent found any source, in small quantities for personal use, in USP. Now i understand your reluctance to sell is stand alone as the stuff is ridiculously difficult to find in USP.


You’re very welcome. I didn’t even realize how many posts built up in this thread over the weekend. So I’m doing my best to get to all of them now!

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Hi @Walt_RealFlavors! We’re glad to be part of this forum in such great company. Big fan of your flavors, we have them listed as a resource to our customers on our FAQ page already. We’d love to carry your flavors in our online store once we expand our product offering a bit also.

We are actually using USP-NF grade 1,3-Propanediol, which is pharma grade, not food grade. So it sounds like it could be a good fit for your flavors! Drop us an email at if you want to discuss more about working together.

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At this point in time, we will only be selling our finished product, VaporBase, and will not be selling raw materials separately.

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Thank you for your order! If you have any questions about mixing once it arrives, feel free to email or call us for answers.

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Last night in chat he was saying that they are working on a few flavorings in 1,3P already, i look forward to checking that out. With Dupont being such dicks about the use in vaping im not sure how well it is going to go over.

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Yup, this is how a lot of people feel about our product too. They have kids at home and don’t want to have 100mg+ Nic laying around for them to get into. So buying a couple large bottles of VaporBase at 3mg or 6mg is much safer for their living situation.

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Ok so I got through all the replies, sorry I wasn’t available to answer everybody over the weekend.

Looks like a couple of my posts, including the original post with our price guide and site link, were flagged for spam and are now hidden. I know we’re not supposed to directly advertise things on the forums, but that post was in response to a question someone asked about our product and pricing, so I thought the price guide and link was appropriate.

Anyways, thanks for all the questions and comments, we’ll do our best to keep up with this thread and any others that pop up! Have a good night everyone.


My concern is when dripping I can pretty much run any thickness of juice I want. (Not mud thick, but you get the point).
My old Atlantis style classic tanks need a certain thickness depending on pre made coils. Or it dry hit hell and get expensive. Can’t help but be worried this wont be an issue. Time will tell, and it’s awesome to have more options. Still got my hopes up and pulling for your product to simplify DIY. But prove it and time will tell.

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