so i have several tanks and RBA’s and RTA’s and RDA’s and i dont like them just laying around…does anyone know where i can get stands for my things? kinda like the ones you see at vape shops holding their display models
and also maybe a larger stand/holder for whatever RTA/RBA i just might be building on at the time? maybe even something weighted down? surely they make something and surely someone knows something???
please please please
ok, well, i found stands for the individual pieces, they are called 510 stands…
now i just need to find like a heavier weighted down 510 stand for the one i work on
I got myself a few stands from Fasttech, they are nothing fancy but do the job.
As for building, I just got a clump of clay where I stuck a 510 adapter in and let it dry. The clay shrunk a bit so the 510 moved a little. I fixed that with a bit of glue. Again, nothing fancy but it does the trick
i like that…whats the origin of that? as in, where would i find that?
found 510 stands here…will work this…i will order a bunch of these and then mount them onto something for storage and mount one on a heavy block of some sort for the “jobsite”
I cut the pieces and a guy that works with welded them for me.
for DIY individual stands check out Sugru. It works like clay and has many uses. Search the web for cool ideas.
Oh man! That just sings to my inner gear-head.
ok…i just ordered a handful of the 510 stands from a company located in the US…when they come in, i’ll just craft me up something to store my little precious items while not in use and create one for when i am building…job is done! (sorta)
oh, i forgot to say:
wow, good looking out…theres a coupla pieces in there i really like…
That looks really good man, was the material something you already had? Regardless anyone would purchase something like that,it looks that good.
For anyone else check Etsy I read of a several people making 3d print stands that are very nicely done if I find a link I’ll post it.
That’s a nice setup.
i ordered some 510 stands, , when they get here, i’m gonna mount one of them to a wood, flip top box,
and it will be for whichever RDA, RTA, RBA that i am working on…and the box will house my tools and supplies i need for my work…i think its a pretty good idea, but i am open to suggestions if anyone has any ideas
Good idea, keep us posted bon your progress
Wow Cool… If you can make me one 3/4 of the size I would definitely buy it!!!Probably so would 1000 other vapers!!