Looking to buy a rta to learn to build on

that looks very tidy if you don’t mind me saying so, what’s the verdict? have I bought a winner…?? lol

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Absolutely!!! I’m loving this RDA and really liking the glass window. It lets me keep an eye on the condition of my coil and wick. Love running this SS build in TC mode on the VT133!


How long are those wicks?

They filled the 2.5ml juice well. I might have trimmed them a bit since that pic but not much if I did. That juice well is so deep it can take a lot of wicking just fine.

awesome, well there’s a chance it might be at home waiting for me…giddy child…
I say chance, I phoned my girlfriend earlier to see if it had come…
“something has come for you today, what does it look like?”
“well I’ve only ordered a new dripper and 5 x 2 meter lengths of aluminium right angle”
“hmm I’m not sure, you’ll have to wait until you get in”

…Sigh :confused:


Haha, I would think those to be in two completely different sized packages. Did you ask her"Is it a big or small package"?

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that question would just leave me wide open to ridicule…it’s best left alone…:neutral_face:




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Ya, I have a lot of wick in mine also.

@Anonymiss @Lostmarbles
The two things I don’t like about that coil winder is the mandrels are short and it only wraps clockwise. Not too sure about the caps either. Jus’ sayin’ you can get more options for a little more $$


Why are you limited to winding one direction with the one he linked from gearbest?

It is the way that the hole in the jig is angled.


I saw the pics (nice work man, just like I do it), but I was waiting patiently for your review :sunglasses:

That Tsunami hits like a Champ donnit’…? :triumph: :yum:

I like mine so much; I have 4 of them :laughing:

I haven’t purchased the 24mm w/peek-a-boo window yet though… It’s on the list LOL. I’ll pick a couple up on my next wave of purchases :wink:, last wave was to stock up multiples of everything I already have prior to 8-8 (Doomsday), just incase…

Really glad to hear your liking it :+1:

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The Coil Master Jig V3 and V4 have two holes angled so that you can wind in either direction. The newest version 4 also has a slot so that you can wind wider wire setups such as wide clapton builds or ribbon wire. (see the images below)

Coil Master Jig V3 has two holes for placeing your wire to wrap in either direction

Coil Master Jig V4 now has a slot for wide wire or ribbon wire

The version 4 also has the two holes


Loving it! I had the 22mm version originally and loved it but really loving the 24mm version with it’s larger build deck and juice well. Plus the window has been great to keep any eye on my build. I thought it would just be full of condensation and hard to see through (and it was at first but clears up) but it’s not.


Ahhhh!! Thank you!
Hadn’t noticed that minor but critical detail in the photo (linked at gearbest) before you pointed it out! =)

Interesting. I would have thought it was like the ones at my local shop, where the feeder guide is straight in (not angled)! Hence my confusion!

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Awesome! Just waiting to hear from @Pugs1970 now. Sounds like his came today…

Either that or he has some new angle iron to play with lol


Glad I could help. A picture is worth a thousand words.

I use the coil master v3 and it has worked great for me. I got it with the DIY kit.


I am pleased to announce that I now have some antique oak drawers that pull out smoothly thanks to my newly acquired 1" aluminium angle :grinning: :+1: lmao…tut… tomorrow :pray:


Well damn…

Can’t beat a good pair of drawers though (<-I’m southern so this is funny as hell to me…) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have my Tsunami and am torn as to what build to put in it first. I was going to try @Pro_Vapes Deep water build but seeing @Bearkat 316L build above I might have to try that first as my 22ga Ti wire has not turned up yet.