Made a lot of changes to flavor names

Some possible nice ones in there


So regarding private recipes, do they show up in flavors recipe count, or is that the reason there are a million flavors with 0 recipes?

Also is it possible to clear out your personal dupe report logs? After I reached a certain limit they are just got mumbled up, does not sort, get multiple declined/accepted tables and so on.

And there were some cap flavors in foreign language which was declined. Are those not considered dupes? Or maybe it wasn’t you who declined those?


Heres what happened when i bought this flave…I couldnt find my Royal Orange which i thought would be perfect . Went to BCaf and nope wasnt there BUT they had sone premium . Im thinking did FA discontinue the OG and do a Premium???Must Have , i hate when they do this shit . I dont have time to figire it out , the Compabies need to name rhe flaves what the manufacturers do always and never change it


I was just on FA UK site and there is nothing that says ‘Premium’…just Royal Orange.
Bull City might have screwed around with the labeling.


I agree with you and was thinking the same thing. Why do these vendors unnecessarily change the names for flavours that already have the correct names given by the manufacturers and also who do they think they are to do so? Don’t they realise the confusion it causes especially for the mixing community and calculator databases which they know full well most of us use. I’m pretty sure this is one of the major reasons why the flavour list database keeps getting messed up in the first place. Many people that don’t know any better will just call it what it says on the bottle. Sorry peeps, rant over.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Agreed. And those people stand their ground too! Just try telling 'em “it’s spelled THIS way”.


Thank You…Ill change it and if yiu or @Ken_O_Where want to dekete it be my guest


I know mate, some people just won’t be told and it’s like banging your head against a brick wall, I’ve seen the posts of a few people trying to argue the toss with you. I still think these vendors have a lot to answer for though.


Its not necessarily the resellers fault, although some are for sure. Looking at a couple flavor houses lately, none of them got their own shit together, they call their own flavors by multiple names, their flavor lists call them one thing, their own store calls them another and their bulk orders calls them a third. Forget about even having consistent naming… “with” or “w/” depending on what flavor it is, a third of them are “X & Y” , the other third are “X and Y” the last third are “X/Y”.

Its totally understandable the impossibilities of having correct names on a recipe or reseller site when they cant even manage that on the manufacturers own site.


Fair comment bud, it’s just one big balls up from start to finish, excuse the French.


Again, I apologize for the confusion with the declined suggestions - I fixed a ton of them, but in a different way than normal, and some I marked accepted and some declined - at the time it didn’t really matter to me - just getting them off the list :slight_smile:

In theory we could just remove all handled dupe suggestions - unless someone here is using the data?
Right now I think it has all historical dupe suggestions.


Yea no worries at all, I’m just happy they are fixed I’m not really trying to get a ratio high score :wink:

It would be lovely for a function where I could clear them myself, however just removing them periodically or after a time would be great too. I don’t use it for anything, but I assume its helpful for you when something went wrong, easy to see the old number and what happened to it, maybe you got better tools in the backend I have no idea.

Edit: Forgot I mentioned the foreign languages, should I re-report them? Some of them are still there.


Not sure if this is possible (or if it was already discussed)…

If you can make it to be PUBLICLY shown only flavors that are marked as accepted, then this could solve everything (people can still write their ‘own flavors’, nonexisting flavors, people can still add their own ‘bases’, their own ‘dilutions’ – and all that remains in their private area, while publicly would be shown only recipes & flavors that were previously accepted by you/mod). This will also force people to correct their mistakes by themselves / add proper flavors / pay more attention,… etc instead of you working on their nonsense. The only work – someone to tick those 15k flavors (to be ‘accepted’) and all the rest will disappear from ‘public’ (and remain in their private area) and this also solves any future issues. (probably not so easy to do as it sounds).


This would be a great solution imo, you can only set a recipe as public if the it has validated flavors. Would still be a tonne of flavors to dupe check to get all old recipes back public, but would at least solve the issue in the future. Probably a lot of work coding wise though.


Merged them.


That is definitely one of the solutions that I’ve considered :slight_smile:


Yeah…how’d I do?


Let’s put it this way, you can certainly hold your own Sir. :wink:


@Ken_O_Where @TorturedZen

FYI, I’m working on dupes and I just noticed Strawberry (Natural) FW just disappeared.There were 944 recipes tied to it.


I’m working your Dupes but don’t recall seeing that one.