Medicine Flower 40% Sale

Just backtracked the whole thread and see you also ordered the 30ml. Son of a …


Yep 30. I’m definitely dragging.


Minions of the Butterscotch Orthodox should be along soon with an “enlightenment session” at the ready… ::wink: :laughing:


Naw, butterscotch is still available :wink:


I was getting worried too… but confirmation today! Yay!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now I just gotta wait :alarm_clock:


IMO, extraction is just the process of obtaining the flavor, concentrate means that you get a lot of flavor molecules packed together without too many additional ingredients (both for naturally extracted or chemically composed flavors).

MF contains PG, so they do “dilute” it. They have the option to use more or less PG and it wouldn’t be any different from you adding PG to it in your final juice.

The reason they keep it this strong is their own. There are companies that do sell a dilution of MF to make it more accessible and easier to work with for vapers. I could be wrong, but I’ve never read anywhere that it produces a different flavor…

Diluting does make the product more expensive however and you need more packaging for it to sell the same amount of flavor.
I don’t buy the argument though that using less concentrate of an ultra is “less flavoring” compared to more concentrate of a non-ultra. Both probably contain nearly as many flavor molecules and the extra ingredients that are missing in ultras are something we add afterwards anyway (namely PG or VG). Only for flavors where a different flavor carrier is used (e.g. alcohol), it’s probably better to use ultras.


Or you could dilute them with PG or VG and have something that is a little easier to work with :slight_smile: There’s certainly nothing wrong with it, all of us dilute our concentrates eventually. Vapourdepot sells Botanic Elexir, which is MF diluted in VG to 1/10th the strength. If you’re mixing 10-15ml bottles on a 0.01g scale, it sure is a hell of a lot easier to work with and your results will be a lot more consistent.


In theory there shouldn’t be any difference… whether you add a little VG to a concentrate, and then later on add some more, should have the same effect.
However, I’m not betting my house on it. There’s a very noticeable difference between an Americano and a Long Black and the only difference is whether you poor hot water on espresso or you poor the espresso in hot water (same quantities).

So did MF reformulate their concentrates on demand of NR? What I seem to remember is that it just got clear that they were using PG (made from vegetables) all along but nobody took notice before.


There are some that use PG and some that use EA and some that use a combo in the current line up - I don’t think that it is NR driven it may be they just wanted clear definition as to what the carriers are in each flavour.

I would imagine that the MCT line they are bringing out is not only for baking use but also to use with their CBD.


I received a refund notification from PayPal by MF today. It looked like the amount of one of the 5 flavors I ordered on Dec. 10th. ($13.80) It did not mention any specific item.

A couple of hours later I got an order shipment confirmation. (with tracking #) from MF. That message showed that all 5 flavors I ordered were shipped. I called MF and was told the 15ml of coconut I ordered did not ship. They told me their inventory could not keep up with the 100’s of orders they got.

Oh well…


I got a refund too, $40+usd, all the items I ordered are on the shipping note too??

I figured they are super busy, so will wait for the order to arrive & see what’s up :slightly_smiling_face:


My 4 of 5 ordered flavors arrived today. (No freebies of any kind…again)

I hope you received your order; or at least a shipping notice as an email I got says…

We will be closed from December 21st - January 1st for the Holiday Season. Last orders for the year will be shipped December 20th.

Come check out our new site as we transition


I got the caramel and missed out on the vanilla. I did get my white chocolate and butterscotch in


I got that email too, missed out on Pineapple, Banana & Vanilla from my order :pensive: but I did get the Dark Chocolate :slightly_smiling_face:

Order has shipped tho:

December 20, 2019, 12:04 am
Your item departed a transfer airport in INTERNATIONAL, SAN FRANCISCO, UNITED STATES on December 20, 2019 at 12:04 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.” :slightly_smiling_face:




@Sprkslfly (this may need to be addressed in a naming convention thread, but I think it fits in here too)

I have entered one of my samples of MF’s Silver Line, the EA-based line, the ones designated by a II following the flavor name. How’s this, before I do any more?:

Blueberry II (Silver Line) (MF)



You’re right… (and TY for the reminder)

I need to get these keyed in. Give me 24 on the new lines if you would please!

I’ll drop a message here somewhere when I’m done entering them.


DONE. :slight_smile:


Nice, you got it done in less than half the projected time.


Just happened to be lucky timing.

I’m at mom’s (and have been for a few days now).

Been playing ‘chauffeur’ for her since she had eye surgery and cant drive currently. (They nicked a blood vessel in her eye during surgery, and it’s taking much longer than expected to heal, and having her be able to see again out of the left eye. Scared shitless for several days there…but she finally started being able to see out of it again Fri. [though not well, yet.])