Menthol Minty Stuff and Coil Life

I believe that leaving the lid off of a fruity mix will kill your flavours, the molecular structure is different to that of the dessert variety.

Fruit flavour molecules are more volatile, moving very fast, where as custards and creams are slow moving this is why steeping custards and creams is best done over long periods and why fruit flavours are awesome as a SnV.

I see where you might think that butā€¦ just try it. If Iā€™m wrong what do you have to lose? 30 ML of VG?

No you wont drink it. I buy in airline bottleā€™s for mixing lol

Refer to my earlier post about the Vodkaā€¦

Iā€™m not supposed to be drinking for reasons i cannot explainā€¦

You donā€™t have to explainā€¦ then just use distilled water at 6%. (Iā€™m Irish - I GET IT lol)

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I missed loads of your posts for some reason they only just showed up lol :confused:

Iā€™m talking too fast!

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Hahahaha! Classicā€¦

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Ok, i will try the distilled water @ 6% and let you know my thoughts.

And heat it. You gotta heat VG or you have to steep it a LONG time.

Shake it! I shake the shit out of it, it will mix, it will steepā€¦

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Your choice but try it. You donā€™t need PG.

Thankyou for your advice, its great to see other peoples perspective and the many DIY variances

Personally i dont like heating my mixes, i should try it.
Ive never used Distilled water, i should try it.

Even if its not for me i should do it for the experience and to learn something new

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it does stand to reason that if you heat it it well meld quicker as VG goes so much thinner so the particles will mix better, I just wonder if the heating does anything to the flavours, Iā€™ve just done 3 batches today that I didnā€™t heat, Iā€™m going to see the difference doing it the old fashioned ā€˜naturesā€™ way, Iā€™ve always heated in the past though, 4 hrs in the slow cooker.

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I learned all this the very hard way. Repeated failure.

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You just have to get it hot enough to thin it out so it blends. Grubby cant use the vodka but Iā€™m telling youā€¦ itā€™s a silver bullet. (Not cheap vodka though holy lord not battery acid)

Heating WILL affect your flavours, some positively, some negatively.

As far as VG goesā€¦ I understand the reasoning behind heating it i just dont think it is necessary when you have Thor Forearms lol

I think the answer is to mix 30ml in a 50ml bottle, that added space will give you all the room you need to shake that liquid into itself.

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I agree with you 100% :slight_smile: I donā€™t have those though. I have spindly old Gramma armsā€¦ so I cheat!


yeah thatā€™s my theory too, you need space to smash that bubble about, my arms hurt the next day after a heavy mixing sesh haha


A little tip when shakingā€¦

Hold the bottle upside down and work it right side up when shaking, the air bubble, although the same size, elongates on the side of the bottle as you move between upside down and right side up helping to mix your ingredients together.

Sometimes 4 shakes is all thats neededā€¦ Waitā€¦ Is that when im mixing liquid orā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: