Participation would be voluntary of course, other than that I honestly don’t know what you are saying
Any ideas for Profiles?? I am suggesting Blueberry Cheesecake… @Rocky02852 can you help with a randomizer we can start with just a few and hopefully this will grow
Yeah sure! Bring on the profile suggestions. I suggest Milk and Honey Baklava…
Fruit custard
Some type of pie
Just off the top of my head…
Id like to do this and even if its a few people to start thats ok…We can give it until Friday then put everything in randomizer Select Friday and everyone works on it until last day of Month. This should allow at least a couple revisions??? Yes ir No
Ive nowhere near enough concentrates to participate in the testing so just watching with interest.
Why not pick a profile thats proved difficult to nail like making Coconut or Cherry the star of the show.
Or maybe making it harder by excluding sweeteners which will would have normally masked any shoddy mixes.
Coconut Yogurt.
But then everyone will be using the same GOOD coconuts or cherry’s…that’s what first came to mind…but I think we agree the best coconut is Delosi right?
My favourite coconut comes from here.
Thanks for the link. I’ve not heard of that brand before. Is it a rebrand/relabel?
So 2% SC Nomz bb cheesecake .25% sweetener and call it a day?
one of my fave juices when i used to buy is “taste of gods” by illusions
which is a pineapple, black currant, coconut.
I managed to clone this pretty accurately maybe I can submit that one
so im going to nominate “exotic / tropical drinks” i encourage the use of coconut here.
if thats what you want to do…No rules just making a recipe of your choosing using which ever flavors you like…I dont want to get into rules and restrictions and specify flavors just a profie and people go…
nobody is required to test
the randomizer will pick so whatever is suggested
dont want to limit or put any restrictions, each person just makes what they like and think makes the recipe the best it could be.
I was only kidding
No they are their own creations.
Not sure if they ship outside the UK though.