Thanks guys. I have one other question, is the Cielto tank considered “wide bore”?
Aspire - Aspire Cleito Tank
The Cleito is made of stainless steel (304) with a Pyrex glass tube and a wide bore Delrin drip tip, which is made of imported food grade Delrin. The Cleito is also …
asked your question on google the highlighted text was the first reply
Gearbest have also got a shed load of drip tips, not endorsing them or anything but I’ve just spent like $20 on a handful of really nice ones, I’m surprised no ones brought out a conical silicone universal drip tip that you could trim from either end to fit…?
In the brief look at the Clieto I’m not sure that just the tip comes off not having one i have been basing my repies on what I’m finding online.
Its the little Delrin tip that goes over the o-ring. Problem is …it’s on’y 1/2" and I dont like my lips on the tank. I’ve seen a couple online at 5/8" but they go INSIDE, hence reducing flow. The delrin tip comes off, I’m just trying to find on a little longer that goes OVER the chimney
@Pugs1970 How’s the pukin little one feeling better I hope. Meant to ask you yesterday and it was a bad day at our house wifey was having some problems so I kinda forgot to.
Aw man sorry to hear it, nothing serious I hope?
Little n’s all good now just a bit chesty, thanks for asking dude
Yes but this is the part I am talking about. In this picture the black tip that I am trying to replace is on the unit:
and on this pic I’ve taken it off. It is the little black tip I want to replace:
So that answers the question that I couldn’t figure out whether or not that tip came off. It looks like and according to Aspire it is a wide bore so you should be able to replace it with another wide bore You can also get adaptors to go up or down in size or add another one to it to make it longer. If you get one and it is a little loose roll the rubber gasket up or down the stem and wrap several wraps of dental floss around inside the grove then put the gasket back in place that will increase the size just enough to be snug.
I’ve been looking for some for awhile too. But they are so expensive, Found a couple on Fasttech that just got here 2 days ago, and they were the same height These are gorgeous and they have them in many different colors if you have that kind of money to spend.
Thanks, I saw those too and they looked to be the same height or very close. Ughh, maybe I’ll find something somewhere
You can just pop that piece of plastic off there and put in any 510 Drip Tip. I use stone and ceramic ones.
OK so what does the inside of that tip measure? I noticed the inside of the ULTIMO (which also runs too hot for me) will accept the same silicone night glow tips I mentioned in my previous post above…
here is a look at the top of the ultimo and the silicone tip
that tip fits inside of the ULTIMO tip even though its not a 510
so it extends the tip and makes it cooler on my lips. It fits so snug it wont pop off.
7/16". Hopefully you dont want mm
It may be the same, I just buy those for $0.50 at my local vape shop. The first tip MysticRose mentioned is for ULTIMO & Cleito, so they may be similar. could be worth a try. I am measuring 7/16 on the ULTIMO mouthpiece also.
Hope they don’t raise the price of those tips on me when everyone on ELR buys them all up cuz of my advertising them!
FastTech has some nice long wood drip tips you might like:
Wood is the one of the most sanitary material you may find.
I haven’t had any problem with the heat. However, I also don’t vape over 40w either. You can use a regular 510 on it, which makes it much longer. Just a bit unattractive as it shows that little nipple.
Sacrilege! “Unattractive” and “nipple” in the same sentence while used in a negative context!
lmao…I knew as I was typing it that I needed to reword it. But then I was like, nah, gotta let the animals have some fun