Wow it was so much easier than I thought. I cant believe I waited so long! I was so anxious about making a coil and it wasn’t to bad at all Now im ready to wick this little honey up and give it a try!
I just made 2 24 gauge 5 wraps and put into my cheap Rda for testing. Was crazy easy the hardest part is wicking lol. I left coils spaced as well and the flavour is amazing. Came out at .2 ohms. Those were my first as well @Jazzy_girl. … enjoy the cost savings
I totally agree! Wow the flavor is amazing!!! I cant believe I waited this long! I was missing out on true flavors in vaping.
Everyone thinks it’s hard before they try it
congrats i wish i could build coils , my hands wont allow it , its hard for me to install a coil and wick it bc of my hands so i gave up on the building part
So true. I first got into mixing while still using pre-built coil tank system and eventually made some juices that were pretty good. Then I got my first RTA and did my own coil/wicking. I quickly discovered that some of the mixes were even better than what I thought : , and some were not
I am vaping this one now and I didn’t realize how amazingly creamy it was. This coil sure brings out the flavor. I was just thinking that some of my flavors may be too strong now because the one I vaping is pretty low in flavor percentage. So ill probably find the same thing with my mixes. I’m so glad I won that tank! It really encouraged me to do my own coil!
@fidalgo_vapes I have some issues with my hands too. The RBA was so much more difficult than this siren tank. This tanks pretty easy!! I used the coil jig & the tools which helped to make it easier to work with.
ya i could wrap with coil jig so i have to buy premade clapton wire and so on , i just cant make a clapton from single wires , by the time i wrap a coil and install and wick them my hands are done lol
I remember my first coil Congratulations !
Me too!
Nailed it!
Your voltage drop must smack Satan on the noggin!
Welcome to the next rabbit hole! Pretty soon you’ll be whipping out staggered Alien Juggernaut coils with wild abandon!
OK, so there’s really no such coil(that I know of at least!) but it’s fun to try different types of wire to see what works best for you. I was really intimidated to start building as well, but it’s not near as difficult as people think. Congrats!
Good job @Jazzy_girl! You’ll become addicted to making coils. Do you have a coil kit, like Coil Master? Oh and Lightning Vapes is having a BIG sale on wire spools. Be sure to use the Social Media button on their site to get a discount on your order. They may be out of some spools because people have been ordering from them like crazy since they came back from the fire.
I do have the coilmaster v3 kit. It has everything you need in there. Thanks for the heads up with the wire sale
Grats, i was hesitant myself, but it’s great! For flavor w/o getting too crazy, I would recommend twisted wire, i use 3x twisted. It naturally spaces itself, is said to retain its flavor from start to finish w/o break-in and doesnt have the ramp up time u would have w/ a clapton. To fiqure out which awg to buy, i would run the #'s of what res. u want and how many wraps/id will fit in your rba in this calc. the pitch iam using is 1.2 w/ 3x twisted, and would believe thats common hopefully others will chime in about that. I havent been building that long mysel but enjoy doing it, another hobby, so iam no expert but this is definetly good place to get advice
Have fun!
@Jazzy_girl YEEEEESSSSSSSSS, that’s how you do it !!! I too, went pfffffttttt when it came to coiling, didn’t want the hassle, didn’t have the time blah blah blah. Wow, stupid easy, and YES, like you said, all aboard the flavor train !!!
I know it took me long enough! Thanks for posting that link for beginner coil making! That finally did it for me.
@worm1 I’d really like to try the Clapton wire! I have a spool of it. So your saying that it just spaces itself. I dont have to do anything to it?
I kinda wanna hit that…
that GIF is awesome! hahahaha
Wicking is very important too. Be sure you play around with what’s available when you have the time and play with how tight/loose and where you cut the wick relative to the deck, etc.
IMHO wicking is even more important than coil design, but I’m sure many would disagree. I’m a total hemp disciple and I’m working on finding a new commercial source for it. I’ll post it if I can get one of these companies to respond to me…its been silence from all I’ve contacted