Nautilus threads / reads no ohms?

Nautilus is driving me nuts… Replaced chimney bc I dropped it and it wouldn’t sit right on the glass. So got a knock off one from fast tech now ( glass and chimney) I go to screw it on the base ( original ) it fits but when I place a new coil I notice the new glass has way more threads than the original which has 3 the new one appears to have several rings to thread when I look at the coil it only has 3 threads WTH ? So I make it work it ends up going on and I place the base now when I try to check my atomizer reads o.o on ohm reader and every mod I have ( Shrugs !!! ) what gives … Do I now need a knock off base ? Ugh should of just bought one down the street. Any one have this happen?

Just get yourself a rebuildable tank and forget about all the pain :slight_smile:

I have an Arctic and a Atlantis. I don’t rebuild coils. I really prefer vaping above sub levels vs sub ohming. Although I do enjoy it. Just wanted to fix my tank.

Hi Amy2;

The knockoff obviously is not the same as the original nautilus, or defective. I know you guys and gals here shop online all the time but honestly, it’s sometimes best to just go down the street to your local vape shops. Actually, the majority of the time it is best, they will be there to help you from start to finish. When buying parts you should buy the authentic parts to be sure they will work, especially online. Even the knockoffs can be different from other knockoffs. I’m sorry to hear this happened to you Amy2. If you can send it back, I would. Then go down the street and get the real deal that you know will work…

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Yea that’s what I was think’n … I usually don’t do this type of thing I only seen it when I was getting some coils and figured y not well now I know y not to lol. Yep will be going to the vape shop Tom prob when I head to Seattle. Ugh. Moving on so be it ! Thanks for the reconfirmation just was curious if they was an upgraded version but it’s just a POC knock off.

Any pics??

Fast tech apparently does carry authentic aspire products now. It used to be they had only knockoffs. Surprise, surprise, surprise. Still, those replacement tanks just don’t cost that much to go through the hassle of waiting on fast tech. Later…

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take your base off and really look at it. it may have become slightly separated and is not making contact with your coil properly. This happened to my wife after she dropped hers. I fixed it with a pair of vise grips and a dish cloth folded over many times so as not to damage the metal or gasket. It worked fine afterward. As a caution, stay away from cloned bases. I ordered two and they are complete garbage. None of the air holes matched and the machining on the outer rims looked like they were done by Ray Charles (may he rest in peace).
Good luck.

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Ok well I’m going to try taking it apart later maybe it is just the base. Which is authentic. Hmm may have to do a video if I can’t figure it out.

It doesn’t matter on the base I can push and pull that bottom peg in or out still won’t make a connection ? The glass wear I don’t believe is the issue as I found that the coil will thread just rougher I did use my old tank which the chimney is slightly off centered. Ugh. So I went and bought a new tank thinking it was just the knock off issue and bought a mini nautilus … Err want thinking don’t own a mini so now will be buying 2 bases Tom I guess if I can’t fix this.

@Amy2 Excuse the poor quality pics, the good camera has dead batteries. If you have an ohm meter, try putting just the base with the coil head installed on the meter and see if you get a reading. If you do, then your base should be fine - put on the rest of the tank and see if you still get it. If you don’t get a reading, then something above the base is messed up.

To check the base for damage look at the inner and outer center contacts and make sure they are ok (pic 1 and 2).
If everything looks good, check the outer diameter of the base immediately above the grip and below the air hole ring (pic 3). There shouldn’t be a gap bigger than a hairs breadth. If there is, your base is separated but may still be fixed.
If you do have a gap you have a couple of options. First, remove the coil head. Then:
(A) Turn it upside down on a flat surface and push down on the flat plate of the base and see if the gap seals.
(B) get some pliers or vice grips and gently squeeze working your way around the rim until the gap is sealed. Put the pliers on the ring above the large o-ring/gasket and the bottom flat plate of the base (pic 4). You can wrap some cloth around the base to prevent damage if you feel you might put too much force on it. Make sure you don’t put the pliers on the bottom center pin or you may damage it.

Place you coil back in and put the base on your ohm meter (or mod with an ohm meter built in) and see if you get a reading now.

Hope this helps

This thing is nasty … May be some of the problem. Thanks @ lost marbles going to try it now. I have a ohms reader but it always has 0.7 lite up as soon as I turn it on. It changes to appropriate ohms if I use another tank other than nautilus.

It is dead the bottom I showed a pic of up there that is nasty I put it back in and pushed it down and the spring came out of the tiny post and it was corroded so badly it was basically crumbling in my hands … Glad its over with going to get a new aspire authentic base. Thanks for y’all’s help. Now back to what I like to do let’s make some e juice dudes !


At least the problem revealed itself and you won’t b pulling ur hair out any longer…

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I should stick with nursing and Not small machinery is what I learned.

Guna have to pick up a base at some point not a big rush I have plenty tanks just wanted to try and fix it. More like the kiss of death is what I gave it.

I’m basically bald now.


My wife’s war-cry: "Just throw it away already!"
She just doesn’t get what a gift a dremel tool can be.


Aspire has a link on their page where you can get a replacement base for 9$ and all the parts for most of them 1$ each ! So looks like all is well and the nautilus will be like new again :blush:

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How is the flavor from that nautilus Amy? The holes in the burner don’t look very big, how does that work with your high vg mixes? Your blueberry cream I seem to remember is only 11% flavor. Do you add extra pg to your mixes. Can’t be much if you are sensitive

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Hey John I don’t have any issues with the Nautilus and my max vg blends. At first when I switched over I used to use 1% DW but it ended up muting the flavors too much. I tend to stick around 10-15% and 15% is pushing it. I also really like the nano kanger tank however it still is a bit breezy for me even with the higher ohm coil 1.50.

Keep in mind you can now use the Triton Mini coils for your Nautilus. It will give you slightly better air and you can worry less when going a little thicker on the juice. A little DW helps as well as @Amy2 says…

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