Nautilus threads / reads no ohms?

This is the Triton Mini. Imagine that coil in this tank…You drewling yet?


Oh Thank you So much for pressing my buy button for me Ray so nice of you! I will take that rose gold one stat. :blush:

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Ordered a bunch of those and lotus and inw from ecx 3 weeks ago but can’t get then cause their name is flagged so Canada customs levied over 300$ in duties on 180$ worth of product. Posted it on forum flagging Donavan’s name but have heard nothing. Hoping he will resend to a U.S. Address I have near the border so I can go pick them up

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LOL, I’m just terrible, aren’t I :smiling_imp: You’ll love me in the end :heart_eyes: LOL


Ah crap, I am sorry. Yea Bellingham is right there 15 minutes from the border maybe you can see if you could drive down ???

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The Nautilus was my favorite tank for over a year. Still have one or two and coils. Was the best for flavor, but now that I’ve used my crown, just can’t get into the tighter draw. Funny thing is, I never have MTL. It was still my fav. My husband and I were actually talking about this the other day. Even when I smoked, I didn’t mtl, and he always has and still does a lot even with sub ohming. I might have to pull her out of retirement and revisit…maybe I’ll learn to like it again…I hated sub ohm vaping at the beginning. I am a flavor chaser, and to me the flavors seems so much better now. Could be wrong though :wink:

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