NEW Capella Flavors Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Ya and i can detect 2 things pretty well in flavors or recipes Butyric Acid and Ethyl Maltol…Both i try to stay away from but its hard …I aslo like to know what flavors have maltol so i don’t add too many that carry it since too much usually fucks a recipe lol


Ultimate …


Damn they gave me the wrong bottle then. I will contact them and see whats up.

Em is a very strong distinct smell and taste. Its hard to mix that up .its a strong burnt sugar


Ya i dont get burnt I get Cotton Candy


The 4cu blend i smell maltol but also other notes mixed with it like caramel and tobacco. The ultimate ry4 all i smell is maltol. The original ry4 double i dont smell any maltol


This right here is a strong Caramel tsste so that may be what your gwtting if your getting burtn sugar


Idk i usually smell caramel pretty well from light caramels to dark caramels. Its a pretty different smell. I think they just gave me a bottle of em by mistake sone how. The original ry4 double is a nice semi dark caramel sauce like caramel


That’s a pretty big fuck up…lol


What color is your ultimate? Mine is crystal clear


That would require me to get up lol…hold on


Lol sorry…


No worries, Its clear…

The blue mat makes it look darker than it is


Hmm . My original ry4 double has a bit of yellow but ultimat is water clear


They are different. I dont have the original so im not sure but my Ultimate is clear…Sorry SessionDrummer we will talk about this somewhere different


@SessionDrummer i mixed up some of these caps.they need to steep of course but i did a shake n vape on the sugary cereal and your right on point in your review. Its really good off the shake. Im getting a sweet frosted flake cereal but not frosted. Sweetness coming from the grain of the frosted flake itself like the sweetness it gets when its in the milk. It has great you can taste the crisp grain texture of the flakes. Reminds me of flv sweet crunch but without the frosted and stronger and better texture. Love it so far. I mixed it at 8 percent. The sweetness to me is a corn note it has. Has the note that healthcabin sweetcorn has but way way toned down


@STR8V8PING the “Cereal 27” note that I called it, was pretty light in the mix to my tastes, and your comparison to Sweet Crunch sounds pretty good as well.


I’m not overly EM sensitive, but have tasted it here and there. Because it mutes, I don’t use it much, if at all. At far as with the CAP 4U Blend, I didn’t get any real EM notes from it, not any burnt sugar notes, but it DID present as fairly clean to me.


Shisha Raspberry (CAP) 4% / 6% (1-5-24) – Starting out the new “Shisha’s” with this one. This one presented as a pretty good Raspberry, that some interesting Natural, and Candied accents to it. It tasted actually, very fresh, that leaned heavily natural on the front end, and the back end seemed to be more of a candied Raspberry. An interesting one to test, and to witness it’s shifting from one to the other. The front end RB was centered on a mid-dark Raspberry, with some high end notes thrown in, and was fairly convincingly real. The pairing with the back end more candied notes really was an interesting idea, and would allow it to used more widely as it seemed to almost cater to BOTH types, as opposed to one. Not to heavy with either, but still a combination of both.

Sweetness was at about mid-level, and there was some nice tartness in there, but I couldn’t tell from which profile. No off-notes or florals, and when comparing 4% to 6%, it was better, and somewhat fuller at 6%. Tasty, and not like any RB that I had already, which was nice. Because it was mid-dark and with brighter notes, it presented as much more of a Red Raspberry, and a pretty good one at that. If Shisha is supposed to mean “Finished”, or “Stand Alone”, I don’t know if this was truly that, but that’s up to the individual. Whether or not you want/need a 100% all natural, candied, or a mixture (like this one was) will decide for you how to rate it best for your needs. I’m leaving it fairly high, as it wasn’t billed as a pure “natural”, or “candied”, and it really did a good job of both. Easily a 9.0/10.


That review is interesting in that most Shisha flavorings from both INW and VTA I have tried have been at least a little floral. Of course the INW were the worst offenders for me when it came to being floral. I really wanted to like and use INW Shisha Strawberry, or any of their other shisha flavorings, but I could never get past the perfumed smell. The smell from the aroma always caused me to taste more alcohol than the actual fruit.


Same problem i had with the INW Shisha fruits, bleh. Me liking any florals is extremely rare.