Yes, if you write a lot of notes on flavors (unlike me) but wish the notes to be preserved for others when you delete a flavor from your stash you would need an alternate profile on the recipe side to keep your notes. For mixing, you would refer to your main profile for an accurate list of your current flavors on hand.
I believe @Frunkster is the only one that does this, there may be others… but most dupe profiles are for infurious reasons as far as I have seen…
So how does he have notes with his main user name AND an alias? Sorry for all the questions but I guess I don’t know how to create an alternative profile on the recipe side but also keep my main profile when I want to. Ugh, I’m too tired for my brain to work.
User has one account and that comes with (1) forum’s nickname and can use that same or different (2) nickname for the recipe side.
One can open two or more accounts on this website (just like on other forums, right?).
Meaning he would have more accounts / profiles on the ELR and thus more nicknames in the recipe side and be able to write different notes for each one, right? (or use one for safety reasons only)
Why do they need different accounts? Why would they open 2 different profiles? For various reasons. Maybe they have one account for testing and one for their best achievements only. Or just for security reasons since they don’t want something gets lost. Or they need it for their own personal notes instead of public notes. Or…
Lots of people use different accounts and/or also use different names and each of them has their own reasons. Nevans have few of those, Wayne has them too, Mixmaster has them too. Think about it as people having 2 or more different email accounts - why do they/we have them, do we really use them all? Yes, they are useful sometimes for various reasons. Many have 2 or more FB or Youtube or Reddit accounts too, so why would be strange to have two here? It makes sense to some for different reasons (but not for all; most still have just one).
If you want to have another account, then use other email and register once again and bang - you’ll get another profile, meaning another forum nickname and another nickname for the recipe side where you can write same or different notes.
Well-explained Mikser and nice to see Frunkster mentioned for his painstaking work @Rocky02852
@muth, it really only does one thing, which is it protects your notes on a backup account, if you delete the flavor from your primary account’s stash.
What it won’t protect against, is another “Merge and Purge”. If a flavor is “Purged” all of the notes are lost. If it is “Merged”, having the actual flavor name in the notes can be a HUGE help, if for some reason different flavors were to be merged.
As always, hehe, BYSU (Back Your Shit Up)). I realize most people don’t have near as many notes as I do, but once you post/save them on ELR (or other sites), it takes little to no time to also dump into a simple text document, or even a database for the more advanced users, and save it locally. Sure, it can seem like a chore, but it’s pretty quick, and then, you will ALWAYS have “Da NoteZ”.
@muth, I think @Mikser already answered this, BUT, you would simply have to save the notes TWICE, once under each alias.
Thx @Mikser you explained it well. I do have a back up email account so yes, I could create another user account here and do that to save my notes. Good to know just in case
I like that idea, thx.
Merged the RY-4.