New Evic Mini/Cuboid FW 3.02

What’s new in Version 3.02?
This time, we bring you something really interesting to your eVic-VTC Mini — custom logo is now enabled. With the new Firmware Version 3.02, users can upload custom logos onto the eVic-VTC Mini as you like. The logo should be single color bmp. picture with limited 64*40 pixel.

How to achieve?

  1. Download the new VT Software 1.10 and upgrade your eVic-VTC Mini to firmware V3.02 first.
  2. Upload the logo you prepared.
  3. Press the fire button and right regulatory button simultaneously to enter into the on/off menu of custom logo function. Then you’re ready to enjoy it.


Edit to add a link to /r/joytechlogos

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So in case you are as lazy as me here is a link that has a few bmp’s. You need to open them in paint, or other imaging software, and save them to a monochrome bitmap.


If you decide to make some custom bmp’s please post them here.

Cool, too bad my evic mini’s micro usb port is jacked up and won’t accept a cable anymore.

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That is a bummer!

It still works great, just not getting anymore updates. But I have an IPV5 on the way.

Then i am both sad and happy for you. :frowning: :slight_smile:

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Kinda sounds like the DNA200.

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I know that people have been making custom bin’s for awhile now that include custom logo’s but this is pretty easy to do using the JT FW. I installed House Stark Sigel.

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Haven’t updated my firmware yet but in my typical cart before horse fashion I made a logo :stuck_out_tongue:


Very nice!

thanks! i also did another one cuz i’m wishy washy.


Seems the solution is simple, order another one, hehe.

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Anyone that updated having issues locking the resistance in TCR SS mode?

It locks but changes while locked.

EDIT: Never mind, dynamic resistance something or other. All good.

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Here are a couple I just made …super easy in Irfanview

here are the logos… Open in a free photo editor resize to 64 X 40 pixels and “decrease color depth” to 2 colors (B&W) and “save as” .BMP


I know you guys are GIMP fans …I like irfanview. Here’s the hotkey method in Irfanview for making a TEXT logo for your Joytech device. The latest firmware has the ability to upload your logo built right in with the firmware updater. You can download it here

It might be easier to extract the downloaded ZIP file as a folder to your Desktop so you have a folder to also save your new logo.bmp

Here we go (just flow with the HotKeys)
Download and install irfanview

Open Irfanview

press SHIFT+N
In the dialog change “Image width” to 640 pixels and “height” to 400
Don’t bother changing the color depth here as it will reset as you “Save As” and you will only have to do it repeatedly …save it for the last step.
Click “OK”

press CNTRL+A (select All)

press CNTRL+T and type your TEXT
at the bottom of the dialog click “Choose Font” Here is where you need to be somewhat creative. I have no way to know what fonts are installed on your computer but you can easily browse and choose one. For the font “style” choose something Bold to make fat letters and select the largest size (72?) Remember when complete this get shrunken waaay down.

Next click “OK” ONCE

Back in the “add overlay text to image” dialog …at bottom “Text Alignment” choose “Center” Click OK
You should be back in Ifanview and see your TEXT as chosen.

If you think it’s not quite right press CNTRL+Z (undo) and press CNTRL+T again make your changes until you are happy. Each time you are unsatisfied press CNTRL+Z to erase and press CNTRL+T to try again.

Once happy press CNTRL+R In the “Resize” dialog backspace over the 0 in 640 changing it to 64. It should now display in the size needed for your device, 64 X 40 pixels. Click “Ok” See how small it got (why you chose a large bold font?)

Press the “S” key …just press S
In the “Save Picture As” dialog give your new file a name and at the bottom dropdown “Save as type” choose "BMP - Windows Bitmap"
Click “Save”

In the toolbar above click on “Image” then “Decrease Color Depth” from the menu that drops down. In the dialog that pops select “2 Colors (black/white) (1 BPP)” Click “OK”

Final Save …Press the “S” key.
In the “Save Picture As” dialog choose the new file you saved a few seconds ago making sure it still says “BMP - Windows Bitmap” Click Save. Answer “yes” to “Overwrite existing”

It might be easier to save the file to the same folder where the firmware updater lives (“UpdateFirmware”) on your Desktop? Open that folder and run the UpdateFirmware.exe with your device connected via USB cale (it can be turned on) click the “Logo” button and browse to your new logo BMP

I also installed the 3.13 firmware on my Cuboid which adds the “Smart” feature. It’s working perfectly with my Ti coils, but it does remove the options under TC. Just use up/down buttons to raise W (shows as a bar graph …cool!)