New flavor to try?

Im looking for a flavor to make that will make me wanna fill like im flying in the clouds on flavor??? I need suggestions on what those are… DIY juice that taste like it was sold by the shops :slight_smile:


I really wish my laptop wa’s up right now created one the other night for my buddy with blue raspberry a few creams and two types of marshmallows. We couldn’t put it down. I labeled it cloud 9


That’s aiming kinda low :slight_smile: So many recipes here that beat the socks off store bought juices. Go to the recipes page and then click the stars header. If the top 5 don’t meet you where you want to be I don’t know what will!


Im a picky person :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would have to agree…more like above the shops…lol. seems like most shops only use a few flavors and there premium blends are what is on elr

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thats why im asking bc i don’t want to spend money on something that wont really be good. thats why i ask on elr’s irc about that kind of stuff

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Me too. So tell me fellow picky person, what kind of flavors do you like? Fruits/creams, bakery, tobacco, candy? Do tell.

mostly fruity/creams and candy if it’s good. DON’T like tobacco flavors… nasty.

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This has been a fave of mine for a while now.

Queen's Dowry III (SthrnMixer Original)

Ingredient %
Butter Cream (CAP) 2
Marshmallow (TPA) 2
Strawberry (Ripe) (TPA) 6
Sweet Strawberry (CAP) 3.5
Toasted Almond (CAP) 3

Flavor total: 16.5%

Remember to rate it at!

That’s the best part of of DIY. You get to choose based on what you like to vape. You just gotta do a bunch of mixing and practice under your belt and you can’t go wrong.

Well you can, and sometimes you gotta go wrong.

I’m not quick enough to link back…but if you search…

Carnage under the Lars profile is pretty good and I like it (red licorice and strawberry)

As for fruits…starting out you can go wrong with having…
Fresh cream FA
Marshmallow FA
Vienna cream FA.
And then pick as many fruits as you can.

From their…go wacky…lately I’ve been enjoying the simple mix of melon FA and cucumber FA. You won’t find that in a shop.

I’ve posted a Pistacio recipie here.
I’ve also posted an odd recpie I called zen’o’oba. That flavor profile is not for the faint of heart…but again it’s mixed to personal taste.


OK I will try and remember in the morning before my kids get up to add my recipes to elr and post them on here. I think you would like the cloud 9 I was referring too. Made another one specifically for a coworker cause he wanted Bavaria cream, vanilla and marshmallows only. No fruits just cloudiness so to speak.


that sounds good @Randy13! and @Chrispdx that sounds like a good idea just buy some fruit flavors every pay check them go crazy like i was on some bathsalt. xD

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I bought all mine from bull city vapors quick shipping and never a delay plus there 6% of codes around here something like elrecipe don’t quote me though

hmm yeah i just bought some from heartlandvapes in okc so it would take a day to get to me really.

If I’m correct bcv in south carolina. I actually called them when I ordered flavors to see if they were still able to ship to Indiana and had a 30 minute with them about our new laws and what they imposed. Very nice people

hahah they was probably bored out of they minds out there xD.

From what I can tell there moving up in the world I know here in Indiana cause we can’t even order juice premed and have shipped here. Last I knew couldn’t. Even order from a site that sold premade. Even if u ordered battaries. And bcv only sells flavors. There selling a lot to Indiana

wow so in indiana you can’t really buy that stuff anymore?? like premade mods tanks or battiers???

We can not but premade juice. And a few site that sold any and all put banners up saying they wouldn’t ship to Indiana and a few other state due to laws. Not sure if they took them down but I know a few buddy’s tried juice from different site and there ordered wouldn’t go through

wow that sucks butt and i can’t get the shop to load on the site so ill have to look on google tomorrow for the taste tester. :frowning:

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