New flavor to try?

Awesome thank you. And hopefully I can get those flavors uploaded and I’ll let ya know when I do. Probably post on here in forum and main site

sweet beans bro. :smile: and maybe someone off this site would send you stuff. probably cost you a little more but is it worth it???

don’t quite understand what u are saying?

LIke get your stuff that is banned in your state. im sure there would be people that would help you out. Oklahoma has a senator that is fighting the FDA for vaping. so I don’t think stuff coming in for vaping would get banned. so im lucky for now.

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Harrumph! :imp:


hahah it’s true thoxxD

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I may live in Indiana but I work in Ohio so that’s my work around

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Perhaps some of my mixes would curl your nose hairs, but I’ve seen a few tobacco mixes created by folks around here which just might change your mind about tobacco vapes. :grinning: No pressure!


well i wont spend money on tobacco flavor so xD

No worries. I said the same thing about Tabacco recipies along time ago and you may change your mind.

But Tabacco doesnt really mean a cig. It’s more like fancy pants Tabacco. Some are like pipe Tabacco and you can really taste the leaf. Others are designed to have the leaf sit in the back and have other flavors linger to the top. Caramels, cherry, vanilla and exotics.

@Kinnikinnick has some pretty darn good mixes. Probably Good enough some day I will find him and say…get in my belly. Oops. I mean give me your Tabacco vapes…some about corn? Lol




this!..the whole reason I got into DIY was because store bought juices were mostly lacking in flavour and imagination, with exception of Mother’s Milk, that juice got me into vaping ‘properly’ and no one has nailed a clone yet, I’m pretty sure that stuff is made with witchcraft :thinking:


You took the words right out of my mouth :wink:


What flavor profiles do you like fruity, tropical, citrus, stone fruit, creamy, bakery, adult beverage. Gives us a little background.

Things like Pistachio RY4-U has a tobacco in it but doesn’t has a cig. taste, ya shouldn’t label something as bad or nasty without considering what it is your tossing out… you may be missing out on things you haven’t considered.


Talking out my a$$ here (or is it ash…?) I think most people get that cig “taste” from the dirty ash taste… not saying it’s dirty, that was just a discripter, and is what the flavoring DNB is used for. I don’t or haven’t mixed anything with tobacco flavoring w/exception of Pistachio RY4-U, although I did pick up some DNB when it was on sale just incase it was something I needed for the future.
But in between dyi when I had first attempted it years and years ago, gave up and started buying shop juice, then getting back into dyi more seriously (read that as taking baby steps to see what I was doing wrong and having more patience)… one of the things I would have the shop mix up for me was a ry4, coconut, hazelnut, and english toffee mix… come to think about it, I have never tried that myself mixing, I have been having a problem with coconut being way too strong so it would need to be under 1% and I don’t have a english toffee flavor… hmmm but that was all pre sub-ohm and I was vaping 22-26mg/ml nic
Still I digress… it didn’t taste like analogs…


I think its kinda a natural reaction to tobacco flavours, you’ve given up the nasty’s so you automatically steer clear of tobacco, I myself am not a fan either have to say, and it because the flavour reminds me of cigarettes :mask:


thats why i dislike it. whe i subed to zamplebox and my first box was alll tobacco. they shipped me a new one and im like wtf, i wanted fruit all that not just tobacco flavs. after that box that give me for free i was like nope bye

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As of right now in Indiana you can order anything except for premade E juice.


that sucks for @Randy13 but that gives him the chance to make his own mater pieces