NEW NomNomz Super Concentrates (Super Charged) Reviewed by SessionDrummer -- Testing Now!

Good to know what a madelaine is. I didnt know what madelaines are . Never had one or heard of one. The flavoring though is a perfect spot on italian cookie to me which is awesome because i love them.

I dont know if nomz hit the mark on what you described because i dont get the soft texture def not like sponge cake. I get a somewhat dry crumbly light cookie lightly buttery


The way you talked about this flavor… it doesn’t matter whether it’s cookie or a cake, i want it desperately now. It made me upset that i haven’t ordered it last weekend (ordered over 60 new flavors, but ofc i missed this one; but hey, i’m getting 2x hibiscus :rage: (made a mistake and ordered 2 and i’d give both for 2-3 ml of this one now).


The Coconut Berry Redbull is all ill drink , before that it was the White Monster with black writing


I didnt order it the 1st time i ordered but had to pick it up after they were liking it on Noted


Flavor west has sprinkles.:joy:


How is it. I dont think i ever tried it. Sprinkles is a pretty hard thing to convert to flavoring


It’s basically the exact flavor of candied granulated sugar I had to go way back in my notes. It’s the one I wanted for my anise jingle cookies for a candied sugar topping. Really good @4%.


Next time i order ill pick some up. I dont know how i never tried it before.


Vanilla (Bourbon) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-6-24) – Bourbon Vanilla aka Madagascar Vanilla is always the darker of the Vanillas. Some think it’s name implies Bourbon notes, but the name actually refers to where it is grown. This one did a good job of reproducing many/much of the darker vanilla notes, and it also had an underlying richness, almost creaminess to it. While typically one of the strongest vanillas this one seemed to be a little lighter, and had a very short half-life. It was pretty rich, and full, but once exhaled, it was GONE. A very interesting “gone” effect, with no lingering. While it was “on” it was dark, and rich, with some light caramel notes, and it tasted very natural with no overt “extract” or artificial notes. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and there were zero off-notes to nit-pick. About the only issue would be the disappearing act, RIGHT after the exhale. I’m thinking only minor take-offs for that, because when it was “on”, it WAS on. Full, rich, with a light creaminess, plenty of darker shades of Vanilla with light caramel-y undertones, and very natural. It felt fairly placed at a 9.2/10. Good, natural, accurate, but might need a little push from another vanilla in some cases.


Peach (Yellow) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-6-24) – Hehe, WOW, I was unprepared for this one, and it was a SHOCKER !!! The first thing that came to mind with this one, was Unapologetic. Yes baby yes. Full on, In Your Face, no apologies, punchy yellow peach. Even if you’ve never heard of Clingstone or Freestone, as a way to categorize Peaches, this one will PUSH what you thought possible, with a Peach flavor. I would call this a HYPER realistic, punchy, yellow peach, that was about as close, and naturally so, that you could get. You could literally taste the different shades of the peach. Very juicy, just sweet enough, tart, punchy, and VERY full at the 1.5% testing weight. Not syrup-ed, canned, or baked here, just a full on, fresh, juicy peach. The very natural taste, and complete saturation levels of this one could not be overstated. At times I got a hint of fuzz, other times not, but needless to say, the ONLY thing missing with THIS peach, was the PIT. Yes, that was it. NO off-notes, complaints, issues, nadda. One of the best things about this one, was NomNomz was able to really CRANK it up, with very nice bright punchy notes, but without leaning on any apricot, or nectarine notes, as it stayed 100% true to it’s name. Wow, this one was a great one, AND, I had no choice but to Release the Kraken, and 10/10 it. Hehe, yeah, unapologetic is just about right for this one.


Ok ok, I’ll fess up…I actually tried that last summer when I was laid up with my broken ribs and someone had graciously brought me a care package. I did drink half. It was delicious lol :joy: I can’t really do carbonation, so I stick to water and the occasional juice.


Down for a break, NOT down for the count. Gotta chest cold.


Does the Vanilla Bourbon look anything like this. It’s only 4 months old now. I rate it a 10 out of 10.


Topping Vape???

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Oops i could have sworn i clicked on noms. Fixed.

I never even heard of topping vape lol. What is that


I think he’s referring to the small dipped lady finger recipe that you were looking for sprinkles for. :joy:


SD I’m looking at getting that Coffee (Irish) from Nomz. I looking to rework Lars original Irish Cream from Scratch. I feel that one of the issues I had with Lars version was the FA Dark Bean Espresso and the use of FA Whiskey (as it added too much peat notes). Do you feel that the Nomz Coffee (Irish) could sub for those two in a remix?


It’s possible, BUT, your mileage may vary. The Nomz Irish Coffee was EXCELLENT, and just a nanometer off from perfect. Taste wise, I felt it was probably the MOST accurate, (and authentic) IC I have ever tried. Now the BUT, was that the Whiskey note could have been a smidge stronger. So, to answer your question, maybe. :slight_smile:

It depends on how much Whiskey you want. Even IF the whiskey isn’t as pronounced as you’d like I think it would handily beat the OG flavors. I have NOT tried his OG recipe however, so just an educated guess.


That works for me. Just need to try it and see. Thank you :pray:


I wouldn’t say if it would work as a direct sub here, but i’d say it is a perfect flavor for that profile (but you’ll have to combine Irish Coffee with some other coffees; and also use Whiskey (Cream) Nomz in that.