New Recipe Showcase (2015-2016)

These Milk Man and Muffin Man clone recipes are not mine but I found them online. I did not want to pollute the recipes list with clone recipes so I decided I would share them in the forum first until I/we can confirm how accurate and amazing they are …

Milk Man Tribute

Ingredient %
Bavarian Cream (TPA) 3.5
Ethyl Malthol 10% (TPA) 2
Red Touch (Strawberry) (FA) 3
Strawberry (TPA) 2
Sweet Cream (CAP) 3.5
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (CAP) 4

Flavor total: 18%

Remember to rate it at!

Muffin Man Tribute

Ingredient %
Apple Jacks (FW) 8
Apple Pie (CAP) 5
Brown Sugar (TPA) 1.5
Cheesecake (Graham Crust) (TPA) 0.5
Cinnamon Danish Swirl (CAP) 1
Glazed Doughnut (CAP) 3
Vanilla Custard (Flavorah) 2

Flavor total: 21%

Remember to rate it at!
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Have you mixed these yet and tried them? If so, what did you think?

I only made the Milk Man but that was only this morning and I haven’t tried it yet but it smells great. I was rushing because I was getting ready to go to work. LOL

I did change the Vanilla Custard from tpa to flavorah in the muffin man recipe and reduced the percentage by 1/2%

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Vaped about 40ml of this last week. Aged 3 weeks. Wonderful!


I want to try your moon butter but everything I have is different than your recipe LOL

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Can this be made with something other than Flavorah @Mourning_Glory? I am pretty sure I have all the ingredients but from different manufactures.

I posted this on Dec 15th having not really known much about some of the flavors. I must say a month did this recipe wonders and as it is now it’s excellent. See notes below where I’m suggesting the addition of vanilla. I also had a thought as well to NOT increase the honeydew, but rather add some honeysuckle. Ooooh, I think that would be great adding honeysuckle and vanilla! Unfortunately honeysuckle is not in my stash :frowning:

Love Potion (SthrnMixer Original)

Ingredient %
Cucumber (FA) 0.8
Honeydew Melon (MF) 0.8
Hypnotic Myst (FA) 5
Passion Fruit (FA) 1
Wine Champagne (FA) 2

Flavor total: 9.6%

Remember to rate it at!

Needs a month to steep. Before a month this is really not a great vape as the cucumber/hypnotic myst combination tends to overwhelm everything else. After a month those flavors have settled and melded to the point where no single flavor stands out. This is a delightful vape and a break from the ordinary.

The melon could use a bit more umph…I’m suggesting raising it to 1.2%. Also I believe a good vanilla would add a very nice touch. I will be making the following changes for a version 2 -

Increase Honeydew to 1.2%
Add 0.8% Vanilla (MF).

Substitutions -

If you don’t have the Medicine Flower flavors, try a melon of your choice that is not candy like.

If you choose to add vanilla, I would recommend TPA Vanilla Swirl, say around 2%


Candy candy:

1% Brown Sugar (TPA)
2% Cinnamon Ceylon (FA)
8% Ethyl Malthol 10% (TPA)

Flavor total: 11%

SWEEEEEEEEETS!!!11 And nothing else!

P.S. You can add more cinnamon if you wish.

Woah! That’s a ton of EM! lol


Ya gotta give him a bye on this one. It will fly, it’s all EM except the cinnimon…


Threw together a fake Matcha Pocky for my college girl today because she loves this flavor. Shockingly it tasted very close to the candy.

TOC’s Green Tea Biscuit

1.2% Biscuit (INAWERA)
1.2% Butter Cream (CAP)
2% Catalan Cream (FA)
3% Green Tea (FA)
3% White Chocolate (FW)

Flavor total: 10.4%
Remember to rate it at:


Well, I guess you could sub the flavors for similar flavors from different vendors, but it would certainly taste different.

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Green Tea, White Chocolate and Cream. Verrrrry interesting.

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Simple and very tasty
Go Blue! :

1% Blackcurrant (FA)
3% Blueberry (Extra)-TFA
5% Blueberry Wild (TPA)
2% Cream Cheese Icing (LA)
4% Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 15%
Remember to rate it at:

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Well, that’s the only way you get cotton candy taste out of it (:

Orange sherbet push-up, Used to get these from the icecream truck that drove through the ghetto where I grew up on hot summer days… :yum:

Oh sure, Bert

Ingredient %
Cream Fresh (FA) 0.5
Custard (FA) 2
Liquid Stevia 0.5
Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA) 1.5
Mandarin (FA) 1.5
Oba Oba (FA) 1.5
Orange (FA) 1.5
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (CAP) 3

Flavor total: 12%

Remember to rate it at!

CURE: 2 weeks
VAPE: 60W on a 0.25ohm vertical coil
FLAVOR: Tastes just like an orange sherbet push up.
Want more of an orange creamsicle? Increase Cream Fresh FA to 1%
Need it a bit more tangy? Drop Cream Fresh FA to 0%


I just got Mandarin yesterday and I put together a couple recipes. Yours look amazing and I’ll definitely mix this up. Thanks for the share.

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Thanks :smiley: I hope ya like it. That Mandarin is awesome BTW. It has the perfect tangy/tartness to it. Mouthwatering tangy goodness :+1:

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I’ve been working with Sweet Tangerine CAP… it’s good, but Mandarin smell and taste so much better.

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