Newbie Needing Help - Weird Taste in Two Recipes

Yeah, you are right. The total will be 2000ml. I said that wrong

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Great, just lookin out for you. It’s so easy to get things mixed up when you’re trying to mix liquid up! :stuck_out_tongue:


Since you are in a tablet you may of missed my PM to you. Be sure you have a proper way to shake this much 100% vg Nic mixture there can be hot spots. That’s why I go with a 100-250 Mls at a time I can ensure it is safely distributed and mixes when I shake it.


Yeah, I think I replied Amy. My internet just went down for some strange reason. The site looks better on my phone which is also a Galaxy. Weird.

Thanks everyone. I am going to dillute my nicotine. God I hate putting all this safety crap on lol.


AFAIK there are a couple IRC chat rooms that @daath hangs out in. I’ve poked my head in a couple times, but not stayed long or said hello. :wink:

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